
“Drain the swamp!”

YES! the tl;dr is that there’s no way we’re getting rid of this scumfucker that easily. he’ll be back in some capacity, and I think a 2020 run is not out of the question.

hear me out tho - he’s not angling for a 2020 presidential run, right? graceful exit in 2018, spend the next year agitating and rallying the “moderate” republican troops from outside Congress (a la Flake), declare candidacy,....?..., profit (lol jk he’s been on the ‘profit’ train since day 1).

So during your unpaid mat leave, you were....working. sounds about right. (not at all to suggest that you could/should have done anything different, to be clear - the system is fucked and there’s no winning).

Yes! It’s stunning.

This is one of the perks of buying a 19th-century home. Mind you, there are significant downsides, but the bathtub situation is great.

Man, I took a bath the other day and felt extremely fancy and like I was living the life 10 year old me dreamed I might because I had a bath bomb, a glass of wine, a book, and some good tunes. We have an old cast iron tub and it’s amazing for baths and the water stays hot for so long. All of this is just preface and

I too love JCS - I actually just sat my husband down and made him watch the original a few weeks ago. I caught most of the TV special - I agree Mary & Judas were really fantastic. John Legend was over-powered and clearly does not have the musical theater chops of the rest of the cast, and Alice Cooper was a novelty

That’s a really great question and I hope someone is writing a dissertation on it somewhere. My best guess is that a lot of the Cabinet secretaries and other appointees (JAVANKA) seem to be “playing power” - they and their partners want all of what they perceive to be the perks and trappings of powerful positions, and

you’re doing better than I am...honestly I don’t know where I’m coming from half the time these days.

under the current administration, I think “numb” is a great way to be and you should be that way as long as you can.

tbh has anyone ever seen Louise and Ivanka in the same room?

I just googled it, and Kate’s 36! Tbh they’re doing exactly what I hope to be doing, which is popping out 2 or 3 in quick succession. There’s obviously no hard-and-fast rule but mid-30s is kinda the age where you want to err on the side of sooner rather than later.

I am reading the full Washingtonian article now, and it is a doozy.

If money were no object, I think I’d have 3 kids. Maybe 4. I’m all for the current batch of royals, tbh - I know the monarchy is a fucked-up institution, but the Will/Kate Harry/Meghan group seems to be a good bunch. I agree that both couples seem to be genuinely in love!

ahahahaha that’s amazing.

why would you do that to me. why.

I think I commented this on some previous article about her, but it’s really impressive - I think I have hit the maximum amount I could dislike a person, and then I learn something new about her, and I end up disliking her even more. The nuggets she offers up to journalists in the interest of rehabbing her public

That would be my assumption but then Bobby wrote

I definitely did too.