Wait, I started this article assuming Lindsay was in on the joke and thought that was relatively self-aware and borderline funny, even. But was this a joke someone played on her, and she fell for it? Please tell me no, because I just don’t want to accept that there’s that kind of malice and cruelty in the world this…
TIL my personal wealth is within spitting distance of (the lower bound of) Scott Pruitt’s - which I take to mean that he is fucking terrible with money, because I’m 34 and have only been working a ‘real job’ for 5 years.
Do you remember the old-ish meme/website/hashtag Total Frat Move (TFM)? I only vaguely do, but it was the first thing I thought of when I read the icing bit this morning. I can just imagine like, Eric Trump lounging with a vape pen being like “I roofied a girl last night, and still made it to my 9am Econ test with the…
Yeah, most of my extra weight is probably wine and snacks after dinner, and I’m assuming there’s not a whole lot of that sort of thing in prison.
The prevalence of a condition has nothing to do with the power needed to find significance.
Depression is not measured subjectively. There are well validated clinician-administered (e.g., the SCID) and questionnaire-based (e.g., Beck) scales that measure depression and depressive symptoms.
Those chinless, hare-lipped, dead-eyed motherfuckers. I’ve seen garden hedges with more natural charisma.
oh my god thank you. I am embarrassed to say that I’m not sure I fully realized they were two different people (I’m kinda face-blind)...
Wait I am so confused - don’t Roseanne and Trump have some long-running tweet-heavy feud? Am I thinking of someone else?
This is the fucking TRUTH. Would I avoid a state that passed laws restricting abortions, or implementing pretty onerous reporting requirements like those above? Absolutely, yes. But I am lucky enough to be in a position where I have a reasonable amount of economic bargaining power and could probably afford to do so.…
That list of information is almost all PHI (protected health information), and I think any two pieces of PHI together are considered “identifying.” tl;dr - fuck this guy.
I hope she’s writing a book. Not about Gawker drama, I just love her writing. I agree that while GQ is probably a great career move, I miss the freewheeling charm of say, the Ruby Tuesday’s mozzarella sticks debacle.
in the tone of a white man who collects katanas in his basement.
I mean the TdF guys are burning about that much during the tour. Eating thousands of calories/day =/= “eating terribly” if you’re burning thousands of calories a day - and you can’t replace the amount of calories you’re burning if you’re eating leafy greens and quinoa. If a mid-tour pro cyclist ate a “healthy” 2000…
I tried, once. A friend and I split the Michael Phelps daily diet on a dare. It was one of the more difficult physical endeavors I’ve ever undertaken (and I’ve run marathons). I didn’t have a regular poop for about 3 days.
woof. I mean, I get it - I am sure they still made bank. But, yeah - Pitch Perfect sequels were probably not necessary from an artistic standpoint.
okay now I have read the GQ article, and can confirm charm and absurdity in spades. But I have a follow-up question - does Caity just really enjoy boats? What % of her interview assignments take place at sea? (that Gawker piece she wrote about the Paula Deen cruise remains one of my favorite pieces of long-form…
I do believe that. I have seen PP 2 and it did not really recapture the charm of the original, to say the least.