Oh, he's gorgeous, now and then, Fat!Angel is just specifically the period of Buffy where he was at his chubbiest, especially in the face.
Oh, he's gorgeous, now and then, Fat!Angel is just specifically the period of Buffy where he was at his chubbiest, especially in the face.
Fat!Angel is the bessssst.
I wish Mary had gotten an abortion.
This. This this this. Years ago I made a cream cheese frosting with salted butter and it came out fucking God awful. Lesson learned!
"Help: My Friend is Acting Like a Total Fucking Dick."
Like I said to someone else, I didn't mean to look down on the mental health aspect of the first letter, but the third letter touches on many of the same bases, and is actually dealing with the person with the issue instead of the girlfriend of the friend of the guy with the mental health issue. I struggle with…
Hence "comparatively" trite. Sending a dic pick may be the tip of a scary iceberg, but institutionalized and public racism and complete destruction of societal and self worth is some fucked up shit. I definitely don't want to cast mental illness and sexual harassment issues as trivial, I struggle with bipolar and…
Help: My Friend Says Racist and Shitty Things To Me.
"I have limited space here, or I'd include a thousand more voices."
When I was a kid, that seemed like a fitting punishment.
Yeah, I thought it would be fun.
Disagree. A gift card can be a personal treat. I got my 12 and 14 year old nieces gift cards for a pound of candy each from a bulk candy place, and their grandmother and I are going with them to go shopping the day after Christmas, that included. I know they'll be psyched.
I can't speak for 2, but I played the original in Japanese before it came out, and then Burst in English and... I missed a looooot of shit. The bullet customization screen was a massive question mark to me, even with a few years (fifteen years ago) of high school Japanese. In English it was even confusing as shit.
This. I buy Simply, which is pure sugar, and fill like a 1/3rd cup with juice and the rest with sparkling water. Boom: sparkling lemon or lime water. Delicious.
Burned Dreamcast discs were my introduction to Japanese imports, my first being Cool Cool Tune and the Japanese version of Space Channel 5. From there we needed to mod a PSX to play DDR and that was the beginning of too much piracy, haha.
Indeed. My first mod was a modchip for PSX to play import games. I've modded a few GBAs with backlights, a few PS2 modchips, I have CFW on my 360, PSP and Wii and I am looking forward to getting a Gateway for 3DS when they're available. (Homebrewwwwwww.)
He doesn't see skin color, only black.
That isn't just pop music, though, that's all mainstream music. "Vapid" is in the eyes of the beholder - pop has always been so "of the moment" that the moment passes more quickly the more current it is - and I can't deny the loudness issue. To single out pop as an offender is silly, though - mastering techniques…
My graduating class grew up almost entirely on Otis Spunkenmeyer cookies, so.