Anne Noise

Repetitive is not inherently a negative thing, as catchy, cyclical song structures and choruses are a hallmark of pop and other genres. You not liking the genre does not make it devoid of musical ingenuity, and there are plenty of pop producers doing interesting, creative things with their music. This is not a

Competitive play != all online play.

Just so you know, pop music extending phonetic syllables into notes is something as old as the genre and not a good indicator of "bad" lyrics.

Whatever works for you, knife those motherfuckers, haha.

I love mine too, I've always prefered the DS3 to the 360 controller. (Disclaimer: I play mostly S/RPGs, fighting games and platformer-y action games, so the 360's fart noise of a D-Pad is a general dealbreaker, especially for PC gaming and retro emulation.)

Shut up and do my taxes.

Ugh, sorry, was this one of those "old posts embedded in a new post without any clear differentiation?" Fuck, sorry. I get tricked by those stupid posts so easily for some reason...

I don't get how people can not bow to the keyboard analogy. Using R+Face as a single layer of chording (ermagleb is this a real tech term I've honestly never heard outside of music?!) should really be a staple of console gaming by now, and I think people would open up to it if they could use it in a game in action.

This makes it different from every PC release ever... how? Generally, the newest and latest game needs semi-recent hardware.

Current*, right? ;)

If anything, you'd think Japanese auto manufacturers would've been on top of the "smaller driver" situation already...

I'm not sure the issue is gaudiness, but gender programming and pandering?

That conversation sure beats the time my mom walked in on me looking at gay porn and was like "WHAT IS THAT ON THE SCREEN" and I was like NO, CLOSE, NOOOO and she was like "IT'S A DICK!" and then laughed and made fun of me for months. That sure taught me about learning to secure your privacy before doing anything you

As I'm the only user of my computer, I've given up on private sessions entirely. I no longer care if someone sees that I searched for a bunch of weirdo porn online. If it pops up and I get a side-eye or a comment, I just say, "Oops, didn't mean for you to see that porn. What are you trying to do?"

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Except levamisole won't kill you. They do give a shit, in that they don't want their customers dead. Again: killing your customers with poison takes you from drug dealer to murderer. If dealers were out to kill people and not sell their highly addictive wares, there would be a lot more "drug"-related deaths.

Damn, beat me to it. Something something something permissions.

You're saying knowingly selling someone poison instead of (less poisonous) drugs isn't "criminal intent?" WHAT?! A "good" drug dealer cuts his stuff with drugs that don't poison the intended recipients; dead customers can't buy meth...

As long as no one drinks beer out of this one...

To be frank, you are being too lazy. Configuring a controller setup in MotioninJoy takes like 15-20 minutes and loading one you've already made is a drop down menu and a confirmation button. I have them for dozens of PC games. Steam + Dualshock 3 + MotioninJoy == pure sex love. Mapping keyboard keys to gamepad