
Awesome names but you forgot the random capital letters. How about NuJerZee and MizUrIe?

So she's trying to pull an Elvis? At least he wan't stupid enough to advertise it before hand.

Bianca rocking a Slanket. Who says TV commercials only sell crap.

Especially on my iPad.

The chance that two infants in the same family died from SIDS is nearly zero. The death of their second baby alerted authorities and that brought about the charges. The past convictions of the parents will most likely raise more suspicion.

I'm sorry they screwed up your name. I had a challenging maiden name, I just used my last initial at work because I was the only Anne for years. Congratulations on your achievement and if this is the worst thing that happened to you this week, count your blessings.

Seriously bad article. You need to commit to the ridiculousness of the title, otherwise you sound like an idiot.


Oh I wish I was a Congressman Weiner Condom. That is what I truly want to be-e-ee. Cus if I was a Congressman Weiner Condom, everyone would want to vote for me.

For once, I think Paris Hilton is an expert on a subject and her comments are valid! Normally when Paris gives an opinion on something, she sounds like an idiot. But on the subject of Congressmen's weiners, she's the go-to person for statements. Good catch Jimmy Kimmel.

When all of the blood rushes to Weiner's weiner it leaves him nearly comatose.

Silly Alexis, there is nothing interesting or even slightly unusual about letting Preacher Hubby dress you up, knock you up or even pump up your inflatable doll-like boobs. The only liberal movement Alexis is likely to have is diarrhea.

And with this pronouncement, the question of who will be Sarah Pallin's Secretary of the Interior is finally answered. Now someone has to explain that the Sec. Of The Interior is not the official White House homemaker, God this was so much easier when Alexis just kept her jack ass remarks to the confines of her own

I didn't get invited to the prom or Homecoming. I spent those Saturday nights playing board games with my friends and eatting hot fudge sundaes. On the upside, I did get a nice "Gunny Saks" dress because I played the bassoon in the orchestra for graduation. I did feel really sad about never having a date, but I got

Spare me the poor PUA's who have trouble dating. If a man tells me he thinks I would be more attractive if ...,I would say thanks and move on. What is the difference between this PUA strategy and verbal abuse? A very thin line.

If Bin Laden were thought to be carrying a Birkin bag, someone would have found him by now. Wintour might have crawled through Afghanistan on her belly 30 years ago for one of those bags, but not today.

The way to make it in any Boys Club? refuse to think of it as a "Boys" club. Do not ever think you are not part, no matter how many women are or are not in the room. Never, ever assume you are the outsider. NEXT

When I let my new yellow lab outside her first winter here in Wisconsin, she wasn't too excited to go outside so I would say things like "Sammie! Timmy fell in the well!!" and sound very startled and she would run outside.