
I remember watching Richard Simmons on “General Hospital”. He would get all the nurses exercising and doing aerobics, which was a new word for me. I think they took the class at the disco that Luke managed. I wish they would re-run some of those old daytime soaps, they were fun to watch.

It’s not often you have a sighting of the frat rats throwing down while wearing their blazers, shorts and sockless feet in loafers or deck shoes. Between the pathetic fight and the scurrying Lily dresses, it’s kind of fun to watch. You just know that they are watching this on a loop while toasting their manhood with

First they try and blame all the young women for not dressing appropriately when they show some of their curves. They have to either go home or wear a jacket all evening. Now a young woman wants to wear a tuxedo and that’s not OK either. During one of my nephew’s deployment overseas, his wife took his place in a


I think the Son of Sam law only applies to murderers profiting from their crimes.

That’s awesome. I had a relationship with someone who put his hands around my neck and I was terrified. I was so young, my Dad had just died and I was so lost. I never dated in high school and I didn’t know what to look for or what to avoid when I dated. When I look back at the abuse, it just makes me sick and scared

I don’t watch the K people, is this what their show is normally like? If so, why does anyone watch it? Kim looks like her lips were stuck in a pool drain and Kris looks like she stuck her finger in an outlet. I know that doesn’t sound very nice, but I just don’t understand the appeal of watching the K people and their

I love that dress too. It just moves so beautifully and is so flattering on that woman. There are days I wish I was born sooner so I could have worn the beautiful clothes from the 40’s and 50’s. I realize I could still dress this way, but it would be better to be surrounded with folks who also dress this way all the

Stay strong DurbanPoison, I’m praying you continue to win your fight against addiction. I am an alcoholic and I know it is very hard to see other folks using the very thing you are addicted to and then remind yourself that it is not OK for you to use it. With each day I remind myself that I have no control over the

We had to add up our total sales, minus bar and taxes and then claim 15% on the night as our tips. Our tips were thereby taxed and taxes were paid by subtracting the amount from our hourly earnings which were $2.05/hour. The issue of course is depending on the shift, you didn’t always make that amount in tips, it was

What a rotten thing to do. Texas and football, first the Mom who wanted to off the Mom of her daughter’s cheerleading rival and now this. I thought sports were supposed to teach kids that win or lose you should always exhibit good sportsmanship. You don’t have to say it, I’m being “Pollyanna” again. I hate it when

Bravo Anne!


You're right, this is really about perception. Whether vindictive and mean folks make rude comments or lazy but able folks are borrowing disabled tags,both are responsible for the backlash.

Thank you for your service to our country. I am disabled, I have 4 titanium implants in my sspine and as a result live with constant pain in my back, hips and legs. Unfortunately, I don't "look" disabled either and when we use disabled parking often hear insults and accusations. Sometimes I wish, those self-

My little sister is 2 years younger than me. When we grew up, I got to stay up 30 minutes longer than she did. One night, it was more than 30 minutes and Clare handed a note to my Mom. It read "don't you think Annie should be in bed by now?". It's saved in our scrapbook. Still makes me laugh. FYI: the later

I think it starts earlier than 12. My stepdaughter turned when she was 9. We all survived but those were tough years.

It starts much sooner than that. You only have 4-5 years before it starts. Seriously.

That is awesome. A protest at 7, you are my hero.