There should also be that moment of "You know what, this may be annoying, but this person is clearly struggling to keep food on the table, so while this is just a momentary blip for me, it means a lot to her." Compassion is just lost on some people.
There should also be that moment of "You know what, this may be annoying, but this person is clearly struggling to keep food on the table, so while this is just a momentary blip for me, it means a lot to her." Compassion is just lost on some people.
I already posted this in response to someone, but I'll say it again: Compassion is just lost in some people. This makes me so sad to read.
I concur! We couldn't discuss politics, but I'd still like to have a discussion with her about just being a kick-ass woman in general.
Justin Bieber is 20?!? TWENTY??? I joke about him being 12, but I honestly thought he was 15/16 ... wow. My brain can't process this today.
How does a method to remove pubic hair go out of style?
Pretty well, thanks for asking! BTW, your comment completely shamed me into seeing the error of my ways. I am now accepting of everyone, even after I've been shamed into being made to feel bad because I might not like some stranger's baby. Boy, you told me!
Ahhh, privileged married Americans with disposable incomes have such a tough time raising their babies in this world with us judgmental, single, childless dog people. We r sooo mean, lolz!
... did you think I meant that she said literally no words during the interview? No. But many of her statements were punctuated with giggles, nervous touching of her hair, awkward shifting in her chair. But no, she did not literally go out and do nothing for 4-5 minutes but giggle or laugh. AND I EVEN SAID SHE SEEMED…
Yeah, but it's a Vera Wang knock-off. So you get to spend that much more!
I think a lot of it is Kaling imitating Fey. Not that that's a bad thing because I want to be Tina Fey so, so badly!! But it's one thing to look up to someone and use them as a role model, and it's another thing to imitate. This was a long time ago but some magazine I was reading called Kaling the "Indian Tina Fey,"…
I know ... it's kinda crazy/awesome!
But ... this is common sense, non? Your skin is one giant organ. Everything you slather on it gets absorbed, and pretty much everything you would slather on it is full of chemicals, some carcinogenic, some not (or not known carcinogens ... yet).
I love Mindy Kaling, but lately she is getting tiresome. Her book is like reading a longer version of her Twitter feed. Entertaining, yes, but no real insight. She did nothing but giggle through her interview with Jon Stewart last night (although, to be fair, she seemed extremely nervous). The more I learn about her,…
That's the problem with the Tea Party, period. They have ideas. Okay, fine. I don't necessarily agree with them, but if you have an idea and can bring something to back it up, as well as a clear definition of what your next steps would be, then I'll listen to you and engage in a conversation. Maybe ObamaCare isn't…
I'm glad to see Jezebel has a Shorter alum response ... I didn't go to Shorter, but a nearby college and know many former students and some of the professors. This is a case of the bigots in charge giving a bad name to the many truly intelligent, accepting-of-all people also associated with the college.
I'm more grossed out by the horrific treatment of the animals prior to their death rather than what parts are used.
It's okay, y'all ... this is why we have death panels.
Am I the only woman who doesn't have nudie pics of herself? Not knocking anyone who does, but it seems like EVERYONE does, which is why I ask. I've been asked, and I say no. It's just not appealing at all to me.
My mom is a lot like this in that you can't tell her anything. It was a 45-minute argument to get her in the car to take her to the emergency room when she had a stroke. But maybe your mom would respond better if you told her she should talk to a doctor. Some people just have a bad reaction to therapy, but a good…
I'm sorry. I was laid off this week, too. Got some time to go before the eviction, though ....