Anne Atevens

I'm a 100% lurker on AVC (frankly, often suspected I was not cool enough), but I'm prouder of that lurking than any actual comment I made elsewhere. Au revoir.

In addition to a few that others have mentioned, Harriet Vane from Dorothy Sayers' Peter Wimsey stories has always stayed with me.

I'm a lurker here more than a commenter, but logging in to give you an up vote for mentioning a Robin McKinley character is worth it! Although I feel you might need a hug if the character that stays in your head is Lissla Lissar.

From one competitive Ultimate player to another, I see what you did there.

I don't know if there's any statistical truth to it, but being up 2-0 at half-time is commonly called the "most dangerous lead" in soccer! If you see it, don't give up hope for an exciting game.…

It's all my fault. I turned the game on when it was 14-0, snorted, and told Mr. Atevens that I'm sure we'd manage to screw it up somehow. When Baltimore got those first 2 points off the block, I said, "Told you so. This is where it begins."

Yeah, this adult atheist was pretty disappointed with those books when she got around to reading them. Interesting message, perhaps, but terribly boring to read.

Jeah (am I using this right?), Lochte's a dimwit who exaggerated his story and left out key details, but I'm still not really sure why exactly he "lied" (except by omission) when he said he was robbed at gunpoint. In the U.S., at least, security guards aren't allowed to point a gun at you and demand damage payments

Don't worry, it's not a metaphor. It's a simile!

Yes, I agree with everything you said.

Ugh, that commercial's the worst. My husband hates it because it's boring/corny, and I hate it because I'm pregnant and it screams "childbirth is going to hurt like a bitch and you might die!" at me every time I see it. It's stressing me out.

I'm Gobstoppered by how Kit-Katty they're both behaving

And I bet if the local Rio Olympic folks had advertised men's synchro diving as the next best thing to beach volleyball when it comes to "appearing pretty much naked and with all them muscles prominently on display," there wouldn't have been nearly so many empty seats in the stands!

NBCSports also covers the Tour de France, and they basically brought the same approach to the road races that they use for the TDF (although they seemed to have fewer road cameras). In other words, they basically applied a tried-and-true system, and it seemed to work well.

Also the fact that one of the US divers was actually named Steele Johnson, and they kept talking about the "positive energy" he and his partner shared. Entertainment gold.

I'm not sure what you expected the commentators to do? It's not like they were on-scene trained to do a medical assessment. For about an hour or so, there simply wasn't any update to give on Van Vleuten. I know, because my husband and I kept searching for one, but didn't see/hear anything until the Dutch announced

I'd rather not. As a few responses to your comment noted, the regulars around here know where to go. I'm afraid that opening up a thread dedicated to discussing news stories like this would just attract trolls and haters. While I'm not a big commenter myself, I love reading the comments on AVC for their irreverent,

Just another thing Martin Shkreli can buy that will make him even more odious.

Well, I wouldn't die on that hill, either, but I'd take a pretty hard knock to the jaw before whimpering and passing out.

FWIW, I may be the only person in the U.S. who just started watching Supernatural this season (well, except for a few episodes last season that I watched with my husband solely because of how delightfully Rowena says, "Ferrrgus"), but I never really found it hard to follow.