
There are members of Congress who think the word “vagina” is a dirty word. My expectations for humans are low at this point.

I was in line behind a guy and his girl buying Plan B once. Obviously I said nothing to them but in my mind I was so excited that the guy was there with her.

I am revolted by this. As a former Disney Cruise Line worker sometimes I had to rely on the condoms they freely gave us. I never had to use emergency contraceptives and was horrified when a taxi driver at our own port and told us he had made many runs that mornings to clinics that offered abortion.
Companies have to

Exactly. Plan B costs less than retraining.

I have to wonder how much you have to do to prove you’ve been raped before they give you emergency contraceptive.

For some reason I was googling last night articles about the working conditions on cruise ships. Even though many companies are headquartered in the U.S., because their ships are registered in other countries, it allows them to skirt labor law.

The most mistreated employees are the cleaning, culinary and maintenance

Reason # 4,302,098 not to go on Cruises.

happens to my son
living within my skin
drinking my cells
my water
my organs
his soft psyche turning cruel.
Does he not remember
is half woman.

- Nayyirah Waheed

Holy God she is hot. I saw that video and was like, “Wait, I thought I was straight...”

And such a horrendous violation of her privacy! “Here, let’s show the world where she lives, that seems like something people need to know for safety reasons...”

I read the comments on Facebook when this story broke and it was vomit-inducing. People were already saying it was a set up, that the father was in on it, that the girl was lying. What does it take in this world to be believed anymore? My thoughts are with the survivor and her family.

It’s not up to you to have any feelings about it whatsoever.

I wonder the nationality of the person who refused to let someone use the phone and the nationality of the father. I also think there is a very special place in hell for those who refuse to help other’s in an emergency. I think people should be publicly shamed for being assholes.

A deli clerk told NBC New York’s Ray Villeda that the father had begged to use the phone to call the police, and he’d refused: “He was acting like he was drunk.”

Exactly, both to the extent that the woman is culpable for her husband’s behavior and also how the spouse of a president should be treated. First Ladies are usually treated like fragile flowers yet with Mr. Clinton all bets are off. As to HRC, was she present during these sexual assaults? Does Bill whisper in her ear

Exactly. I’m fine with that. I’m not cool with all the regurgitation of What Bill Did. Are we next going to have to talk about Bill’s policies as a president? Because he is NOT RUNNING.

“A woman claimed rape, and all sorts of things. I mean, horrible things.”

Jenna Doohickey Tatum is my new favorite Tatum anyway.

I feel like a total asshole for saying this, but this is actually an alpaca.