
What can I say? Macaulay could get it.

I’ve been saying for years that the Jigsaw character from the Saw movies should be an adult Kevin Mcallister

I had a weird dream a while back in which I was in a poly relationship with (adult) Macaulay Culkin and my S.O. . I woke up with a fairly intense attraction to to Culkin and weird desire for this to be a real relationship I didn’t have before and have had a thing for him since.

10 pizzas times 12 bucks

Shit y’all, I just want Macaulay Culkin to be ok, ok? :/

This was actually pretty funny. I’m not sure how much of a series they can make out of adult Kevin attacking people, but I’m game to give it a try. Dancing across the screen covered in blood and the final scream were pretty great.

Watch this, people, it’s HILARIOUS!


I um... really loved that. Seriously. Like, my love for Macauley Culkin has been reborn. Thank you, Marie. This is the best Christmas is a long time.