
DING! You've got it right. His comments that she stole him away are a classic display of lack of accountability...never to blame...always someone else's fault. He has that characteristic in common with manipulators, narcissists and sociopaths - basically, abusers, period.


BBC says he’s used it twice in practice

I keep hearing her called a homewrecker which gets on my last fucking nerve.

Because God knows abusers never, ever escalate after an emotionally traumatic event like the death of a parent.

I was abused by my first two boyfriends. I never called the cops, as many teenagers don’t. The lack of a police report doesn’t mean abuse didn’t happen.

I can only go by my own personal experience...but yeah. Alcohol (especially alcohol) can make people violent. Drugs, too...combine the two, you can have a potentially explosive situation....

Absolutely. Even if an alcoholic is not physically abusive, many are emotionally and verbally abusive. If they think that you are stopping them from having a drink, all hell will break loose. Sadly “Where the Heart is” got it wrong, alcoholics are not content enough just to hurt themselves.

if you dont want to get hit, then why are you walking around with a face HUH

No less pro-Depp than the commenters on the previous Jezebel article about their split.

They will not. Somehow this will be Amber’s fault too, along with every decision Johnny made leading up to, and including, their marriage.

Nah, now they’re calling her a liar on top of being a goldigger.

probably not, unfortunately. now she’ll be a gold digger and a liar.

what doesn’t bode well is TMZ not being taken more to task for the weirdly pro-depp tone of their story. for a story that lasts but a brief few paragraphs they clearly insinuate that she is making it up. as if his mother dying is enough to explain away the fact that he looks like a bloated cirrhosis-fueled walking

so now will everyone stop being so hard on amber?

Jesus, especially with skepticism about the bruise, TMZ. LOlz. Women are always lying about getting beaten, I guess?

Well, it’s cuz he’s totally cool with all the coed rape.

Few things in his professional life have bothered him more than providing a box of condoms and a couple of bottles of booze as part of concert rider? This is one of the things that vexes him the most in a long career in college athletics? He must have led a pretty amazingly drama-free life up to this point.

That’s a lot of beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) for a 13-minute “concert”. 5 t-shirts? 5 towels? Is he soaking the towels in juice and squeezing them into his mouth? Does he have a battery-powered towel squeezer which is why he needs all those batteries? I have so many questions.

1 loaf of whole grain bread with the most amount of grains?

Oh, he wants Trump Bread. The classiest, grainiest bread on the market. No Mexican buyers, please.