
That part REALLY stood out for me too. How lucky for him. He who clearly has no idea how many people would LOVE to have the privilege of only being aware of the impact sexual assault by choice. I can only hope that if anything ever happens to him or someone he loves that they receive much less ignorant resonses.

“Not ‘go there’ if you sense anger”

Completely agree. I find that if I’m talking about periods in a “light hearted” way and/or when me and anyone present isn’t currently on one I use euphemisms- yay period bantz! But if someone else is currently on and they aren’t feeling great (or I’m on which by default means I feel like I’m dying) it’s all very “woe

Haha one of my exes called it this! :D

My favourite is “it’s my time of the month” because I feel it accurately makes periods seem like something which women are sentenced to and “i’ve got the decorators in” just cus its so whimsical!

Eughh, I feel your financial pain. That’s just extra shitty and so hurtful :( especially when you clearly are a lovely flatmate (who knew that many of those existed!!) and the fact that THAT is your response instead of like beating him up just proves once again you are a much better person than him haha.

Honestly the biggest factor for me was a “therapy session”. (Whether that be with a professional or with a “proper” friend.) I didn’t even realise I was stressed that much but just saying stuff aloud made it feel like I wasn’t multitasking it in my head all the time (without me realising!) And it literally felt like

So I may be projecting here but I feel like you are one of those too nice people and so this reply is based on that- if it doesn’t make sense or seems too patronising or whatever, ignore it! It was meant with good intentions! It’s also really flipping there’s that.

“in the interests of fairness” ... I kinda feel like if you suggest that the “fair” thing to do is include boys in the competition you’re undermining/not understanding the whole principle of having a programme specifically aimed at helping girls in this field. It implies that this campaign/competition is giving girls

“what had happened to this once-promising young man.”

Errmm I don’t really comment a lot (at all really...haha) but if it makes you feel even slightly better- I have faith in you! Enough faith to actually comment which is big for me! Basically you seem talented but i’m sure other people will mention that so... more importantly! (admittedly from MY point of view not

There is pretty much a certain subset on the internet for everything, you can’t really live your life by that.

What kind of person sees someone dressed a certain way and just assumes that its all geared towards themselves and that they need no other information so proceeds however they want?!?!

RIGHT?! WTF? Euuugh, how do you even try and respond to someone who voices that.

Oh god I love you. I love you so much I would let you have Jim. Well... I would at least TRY and let him go. (P.S. Not tryna be creepy!)

errm my immediate reaction was just hand/finger based? Like, grabbing as she’s moving her legs. But it could also be object based (hitting her with stuff/throwing it, especially if she’s pinned to a bed or wall or something)- similar to self harm scars some abusers (*cough* mine.) Had the legs as an “area of choice”

euuugh, I feel ya. <3 and i dont know about you but it’s so hard to shake off the feeling that they’re right to an extent. Like...with other people/ situations it’s so obvious it’s bullshit but with my experiences its harder! haha

“may yours be a joyful christmas” and then inside “because i’d hate for something to... happen. That’d be awful. Truly awful.”

This is... sinister

i think its the babies who are not redbreasted right? Which essentially means that its a picture of two adults pushing around two small adults...kinky ;)