
Then where is the right place?

Hillary can certainly speak for herself, but claiming that the judicial system can't deal with social issues through individual cases is NOT serious discussion. It's one of the most incorrect statements in Jezebel history. It's blatant trolling, like commenting on a discussion of contraceptive coverage by saying

"Individual court cases aren't the place to expect systemic racial issues to be address"? They are the exactly the place to address them.

Sorrynotsorry but REGARDLESS of the actual, literal, case-by-case realities of the legal system, black people in general are going to take this moment to feel good. In the light of so many terrible outcomes from what is in my opinion a pretty good justice system (on paper, in theory), we need a win. Any win. We'll

I'm afraid that you're wrong and racist and I can no longer hold a conversation with a turd. Later, turd.

Making these cases all about "racism in america" only serve to perpetuate inequality by making POC "victims of the system" who need a different set of rules.

I'm a white, female attorney, I've done criminal defense work, and I think you're terribly misguided. Or not terribly bright.

Desire for vindication and blood? You should reconsider that comment.

It's trolls all the way down at this point. Somebody needs to start doing some damn moderating over there, I'm getting sick of seeing the same four or five assholes consistently dominating the conversation with their wide eyed faux-confusion and thinly veiled racism.

Don't speak for me. Works fine as vindication for this member of the African American community.

No it doesn't, and I sure as hell hope you are a POC if you're going to speak on this.

Yes, because in America drunk girls deserve to be raped, drunk black people deserve to be shot, but if you're a drunk white guy you're not responsible for what you did, after all you were drunk.

Why is it terribly misguided for a person of color, that's had to watch these crimes play out, to feel a sense of victory in someone maybe having to answer for their crime?

like, what are they even TRYING to imply? drunk people deserve to be shot? like is that their sly argument?

This desire for vindication and blood that seems to be popular in the US when it comes systemic issues actually ends up hurting African-Americans, more than it gives any sense of "justice."

For the love of all that is holy, do NOT read any of the comments on the Gawker version of this story. I mean, that is always a good rule to live by, but particularly so in this case. Let's just say that angry gun-totin' white dudes just got a little more angrier. Good. Fuck them.

Well. Thank fucking goodness.

Exactly. Some spaces are POC only for a reason: white privilege that still exists today, based on hundreds of years of white colonialism and supremacy.

The same way women don't need to hear men's opinions on their appearance, POC don't need to hear white people's opinions spoken from an outside perspective and position

But in this hypothetical society, what happens to cultural customs? What happens to beliefs and legends and ceremonies? What happens to dances and regalia and language?

Discussing race on Jezebel or Gawker is a minefield