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I just cannot stand her. I mean, not that my Black ass means anything to her. But:

Leaving out this story makes him look like a "cop killer" instead of a disturbed man on a rampage.

This is the first I've heard at all of this first victim. I suppose it doesn't fit the police narrative that most media outlets were going for. I hope Ms. Thompson can find some comfort during her recovery.

I object to referring to her as the third victim. She was actually shot first.

I think they were asking about why she would be third instead of first since she was shot first?

First actually. She was shot before Brinsley made his way to NYC but somehow the fact that she was shot managed to get lost. I can't imagine why that was.

Well technically she was his first victim.

A shooting victim, yes. Getting shot in the stomach still makes you a victim even if you didn't die.

Worse than a murderer?


NOTHING shows less class than being rude to those in the service industry. You can have all the money in the world, but if you're rude to wait staff etc, you are trash. FACT.

When people are so entrenched in their racist views that they don't even recognize them as racist you know they aren't going to change. As the author says above. She's not going to change. To remain "best" friends with her only gives her the notion that it's okay. She tried to talk to her and was accused of "being

Racists are sneaky. If you flat-out asked "would you still be my friend if I was black?" She'll reply "oh my gawd of COURSE how could you think that??" (while internally thinking "because you, friend, would be one of the rare "good ones""). I've yet to get a racist to admit they're being racist - at some point they

My best friend is a racist. Run away!!

My daughter just broke up with her girlfriend over the girl's racist statements about what was happening in Ferguson. Sounds like it has generated racist statements from people who were able to hide their racist tendencies before this. I hope we can put to rest the whole "post-racial society" trope, which wasn't true

We don't do ignorant people any favors by enabling their ignorance.

The first two letter writers seriously need to cut those friends out of their lives. People who are racist and people who are rude to service employees are the worst kind of people. They don't deserve friends. Life is too short to waste time being friends with awful people who sooner or later will direct their

I would no longer be their friends. I would tell them to leave me alone and never try to contact me again. Racists are the worst of the worst.