
Well, I am waiting to actually see a little more than just the trailer before I damn the show in its entirety, but I'm not that confident that this show is capable of doing the thing you say.

The 90s was great wasn't it? Tons of black shows across genres. Oh and R&B singers that could sing, dance and looked like regular girls you went to school with or lived around.

"If I'm not really Black, could someone please tell my hair and my ass?" Hilarious (deep sarcasm)

It just comes across as the dad's struggle to maintain black stereotypes rather than breaking them. For instance, his kids show an interest in something he doesn't find black enough and instead of supporting them to do their own thing, he tries to push them to do the more "black"thing.


If they promote diverse hiring, it means they are really progressive. They get a pat on the back. It reflects well on them. If we do it, we're ball busters.

It says a lot about my state of mind from stories like this, that I'm already angry how this case will go because she's black and the rapist piece of shit is white. I'm praying and praying that it won't matter because this case is so obvious, but I know it will. I know it will be worse and people will be racist and

You do realize your pain is nothing compared to what this brave 16 year old is going through right?

Poor you?

So happy she's still competing, giving it 100%, being a role model for the rest of us who struggle with limitations on training.

I've noticed that muscle loss is even more rapid in my 30s now. It irritates me. I have to work harder for less return and it's easier to lose what I gain!

I'm going through this right now. I went through this phase of working my ass out to get a really nice shape, and then didn't go for a few weeks and now it's (insert deflating tire sound).

I see this problem all the time in my Asian community and other Asian communities. Asia is a big place, but our cultures all place fair skin on a pedestal. People internalize this and discriminate accordingly.

It certainly is an issue in parts of Asia (my mom is Chinese, but she comes from Southeast Asia — where paleness is seen as a sign of a person belonging to the upper class). A lot of light-skinned Chinese families will not let their children marry/date darker skin Southeast Asian people simply because of their

That is both racism and colorism actually. I've spoken to plenty of my Asian-American friends who received plenty of discrimination thrown their way when visited their home country for the first time so no. It's not just racism.

Right. I'm guessing you're not black or Asian. Half black-half asian kids receive tons of discrimination within the Asian community. Colorism is a HUGE issue. How can it not be when they praise lightness so much? You don't have to see it as a problem for it to be a problem. Feel free to stay as ignorant as you want.

No actually it's not. Colorism and horizontal discrimination within races is a huge deal. Both within the African American community (and I am assuming other black communities as well) and many Asian communities and cultures. A white person that does not tan might receive an occasional "Oh God, you're so pale, you

They don't want to be Caucasian, folks. They do have a premium on lightness and that's not actually better because it still leads to discrimination against darker people. Colorism is still bad, if not more nuanced than "Oh those Asians want to be white sooooo bad".

Well, they don't want to be "white people"- they just want to have pale skin. The cultural foundations go way back, from it implying you're not a physical laborer, or that you don't spend all day being a lazy asshole on the beach. All kinds of stupid things.

"Do you wanna be white?"