
not all women's experiences are the same. women of color not being able to/not being comfortable with wearing their natural hair isn't only tied to sexism. it's tied to racism as well. look up articles about about natural hair and corporate america such as :…

Kara Brown is not white. But, nice job assuming that she is. Tells a lot about you.

Um she made an awesome comment about Lauer's complete lack of hair and then she and Savannah Guthrie high fived and everyone fell apart because it's so true.

"I look forward to the day when she can wear her natural hair whenever she pleases and straighten her hair or style it otherwise whenever she pleases without it being a big deal."

How is black hair the same as jewish hair? Jewish hair is often curly. Which means you can just leave it be. You clearly know nothing about black hair.

Hey. Jewish medical professional girl with curly hair here, friends with many Jewish lawyer girls with curly hair. The stereotypical Jewish curls are entirely tamable with some cream and a diffuser in roughly 7 minutes. I could take an hour to do it, but it's not a requirement. It is easy to throw it into a severe

In my experience, education and general chi-chi-ness doesn't make one less bigoted, racist, and/or less of an asshole.

How unseemly for you to tell Black women that you know "all the context and all the history" and attempt to school Black women about just how accepting the legal industry is of natural hair as if you know better than we do, and then post a "see, this Black women right here proves my point" post. All of this after

I am also in NY and worked for Skadden Arps as a legal assistant for 10 years. I have also been natural for almost 20 years, so I'm quite aware that there are many naturalistas in every field. That hasn't been disputed and wasn't the point. This person is saying that curly-haired Jewish women have the same issues and

the hair experience is actually been more trying for a certain group of Jewish women who also use relaxers and are met with different results

You know, I usually agree with everything you post; you're one of my favorite commenters. So I know that you aren't racist, aren't really conflating discrimination against Jews with discrimination against blacks, etc. But I still think this was a misstep on your part. Not a big one, but a misstep nonetheless.

From her photo it would appear that Kara Brown is Black... She's talking about her own struggle as a Black woman with hair.

Right, so your second-hand experience with 'these women' obviously give you more insight and authority on the matter than the author's first-hand experience with her own hair and secondary experience with her family member's hair, and likely a good number of her friends? okay.

And just because your areas are more accepting does not mean other women do not face pressure to change their hair in other areas of the country.

I'm not saying there isn't pressure to conform. I think I might get somewhat of a pass because I'm decently attractive, thin, well dressed, obnoxiously over educated, and mainstream in all other respects. But I do think that most of the apprehension re natural hair comes from other black people who mean well, but who

No, you've seen Jewish women with very curly hair and you are not experienced enough to see the difference. I can guarantee you that hair care, maintenance, style choices, and most importantly, ACCEPTANCE are different for those two groups. A curly haired white woman choosing to blow dry or even chemically straighten

"It actually boils down to who you work for."

Jez mods had better get it together. No one wants to wade through this horribly racist, sexist crap just to make a comment.

Matt Lauer laughed and asked if her hair before was "artificial"... he's new here, guys.

I'm not going to give them any special props for supporting Tamron wearing her hair the way it grows out of her head.