
I don't know if you're really joking —or playing off your desire to revoke the 2nd as a joke to try to limit the insane gun nuts. Either is fine, but I wish liberals would argue for a repeal —even if just to move the debate further left. Fuck these gun nuts. It's mind bending that there is a right to own a killing

I had to take Hunter's Safety when I got my hunting license in high school — I don't know why all states don't make casual handgun owners take a basic safety course. It's public health, for christsakes.

Really? Cause part of me completely agreed with your first sentence.

I think it's time the government seriously consider revoking our Second Amendment rights because these motherfuckers don't deserve it.

No, Eugenics is the idea of stopping genetic traits (like race, physical disability, etc) from continuing. In this case they are saying that he, personally, is not fit to be a father. Just like CPS takin away children and advising you that future children will be taken at birth.

You want class? I'll show you class.

The Bachelor/Bachelorette is only one of many shows where there is a white majority or only race. Sure Marquel should be the next bachelor because he is a handsome man who deserves some lovin' not because of some asshole who stirred some shit up. These networks really gotta get their shit together and stop making

I don't think the ratings would tank. Lower, maybe but not tank. Maybe it's just the producers of the show who are nervous about featuring interracial relationships because ABC has lots of high rating shows that feature interracial relationships (Mistresses, Scandal, Grey's Anatomy).

Should've added "show for people of color that isn't complete trash"

A lot of white people just do not understand how these microaggressions, day in, day out, can break a person. I'm actually quite surprised that Marquel's experience resonated with this show's viewers but I'm glad it did. Not that I think getting angry is an invalid response! I do all the time- but I also know that

Fuck the Bachelor/Bachelorette. Someone should just create a seperate Bachlor/Bachelorette show for people of color. We need to stop relying on white producers to represent us because most of them don't want to.

Yeah, that shit was dripping with White privilege and entitlement. Kind of made my sympathy fly out the window.

Err, I don't think so. The quote reads: "Don't you understand how horrified I am? I'm a 20-year-old from Upper Arlington. I don't know what you deal with every day, but the kind of sympathy you have is zero."

No, the problem with the Upper Arlington comment is that it makes the victim look like she wanted special treatment because she's rich. As though rape victims from Columbus are completely unfazed.

Like, "OH, you're from Upper Arlington? Why didn't you say that sooner? Let me start over."

I feel like Mindy pulled a Lena Dunham with Tamra. She noticed that people were complaining about the lack of people of color on her show, so she created Tamra, but of COURSE she had to be a stereotype and of COURSE she had to have a ghetto boyfriend named Ray Ron. What's sad is that Tamra barely has any lines. She's

This is so loaded. As a non-white female, I've often thought the same thing that Mindy has; while I've never actually wanted to be blonde & white, I can't say I haven't felt like guys weren't into me because I wasn't.

Mindy is one of those people I like and dislike at the same time. I like her because she's confident, funny, smart, witty, creative, etc. And not enough words can express how happy I am to see a woman of color doing so well in this business. Got her own show, has a best selling book, got a cover on Elle, etc. What I

You're right: nahhhhh.

The problem is that these orgs are not allowed to be themselves in public without that behavior being judged along a racial line. "White" greeks? Can be both jerks and noble. A black frat/sorority doing the exact same thing? Is a discredit to black people everywhere.