
A smaller secondary point to the one you raised: I also found this really reductive and insulting to men who are married, have children and are not abusive monsters. The implication that the only reason they're caring and loving spouses and fathers is because of a government contract is pretty gross.

Okey doke, I'll just head down to the husband store and pick one up. Because we all have a line of suitors who want to marry, love and protect us from other men.

Really? I don't think you have to reach too far beyond Sara Baartman. Especially when the "theme" is an ancient African culture. Especially when you're talking about a bitch who showed up painted like a geisha less than a year ago.

Wow, you have GOT to be kidding me. And the cardboard cutout thing? What are you talking about? The only thing I remember about a cardboard cutout was Jon Favreau, a speechwriter for Obama, drunkenly groping one at a private party that had absolutely nothing to do with the campaign and in fact took place a month AFTER

Given the racist undertones of the Clinton campaign let's just say neither campaign shined at times during the 08 primary.

The Clintons didn't come out rosy in that campaign either, their inability to treat Black voters intelligently led to Clinton losing a lot of African American support.

so Hillary's racism in the same campaign was okay?

Dunno, when I think of Hip Hop, Nicki Minaj definitely does not come to mind. No offense to Nicki, but shes really more of a pop-rap artist.

Are you joking? If the guy was so concerned, he could go get tested himself. First of all, no one knows if he was exposed at all. Second of all, it's possible he exposed her. She also very well could have been planning to use the anonymous informer service if she needed to tell anyone, which I would do too, since

Hm, let's see...

How do all of you know she didn't test negative after fucking this guy and then caught it? There would be no reason to inform him if he wasn't exposed.

-How do you know she didn't inform people?

Also: AIDS is syndrome. You cannot transmit AIDS. A person transmits HIV. AIDS can only be diagnosed by a doctor. Learn your facts you fucking uneducated moron.

You're making a lot of really wacky assumptions here. But yeah, she definitely deserves to have her reputation ruined and her private medical information shared on the internet to make you feel better about it.

This type of thinking is why people choose to tell no one they've been infected. It's even worse for HIV. No one gets tested cause they are too scared of being labeled a leper.

Do we know for sure that he wasn't the one with the disease in the first place, and then gave it to her?

That's a convenient excuse that employers love to try to use as litigation defense, but the only reasons Rawls was able to commit the tort here was because her role at the hospital enabled her. The plaintiff will argue Rawls was inadequately supervised, that the hospital allowed her access to private medical

ONLY 25K? I'd add a zero and start negotiating. They have no defense.

Telling your boyfriend/recent ex's is very different from having it posted onto Facebook.

I'm not sure how the medical centre cannot claim the employee acting outside of their scope is not a defence? Every hospital or medical centre I have ever been employed at has had me sign a confidentiality form which also states that should you break confidentiality, you are in deep shit and you are on your own.