
I agree 100 percent. The whole thing strikes me as utterly heartbreaking. I don't know why. I can't speak to her motives or anything like that. But at face value, a woman in her 30s wanting to go back to high school just seems like someone who wants a second chance at life. We can all relate.

I feel like this is a woman possibly struggling with mental illness, maybe just looking for some sort of connection. I wonder if she was homeless before this. It's all-around just sad.

Beauty has no gender, but it does have a race, weight, and amount of body hair

The photoshopped penis is actually way less strange looking than the overly smoothed out Barbie pubis of the lady one... Wouldn't Eve have had a pretty sweet bush?

Beauty might not have a gender, but this photograph doesn't illustrate a challenge to any other standard of beauty. #hater #cynical

Ok, so putting effort into one's appearance + encouraging others to do so = bad. Not putting effort into one's appearance + encouraging others not to do so = good. Got it.

That's really unnecessary. Do you also say ''ask what they think about Arabs" everytime a jewish person is the topic? Probably not.

Ah. The delivery didn't work terribly well in the initial comment. Came across as way to sincere.

Don't you have an MRA convention to be attending or something?

Erm, only in Saudi Arabia, AFAIK. Maybe Yemen.

Ugh, so true. And it's not like bigotry doesn't affect economic policy, anyway (see: racist stereotypes about poor people).

We're all in agreement that the Beyonce critiques are just a proxy attack on Obama, right?

I like how they controlled for racism (by using only foreign names in the study) but this study DEFINITELY has bad implications for racial minorities and people from other countries. Also, I bet researcher Mevagh Sanson had a horse in this race.

Good. I don't trust people who can't pronounce my name.

My point was that the existence of a sonogram showing she was pregnant doesn't in any way prove she had an abortion. She may have, or may not have. Either way, Mayweather's a dick of the highest order.

Yes, but you're not handed the sonogram to take home if you're planning on aborting.

Additional backstory: He's jealous because she was recently sitting courtside at an NBA playoff game with Nelly.

yes,chile... yes!