
This is a huge reason why I'm wary of dating white men because this " I fuck black people therefore anything I say or do is above reproach" mentality is extremely prevalent.

This guy has a black friend too.

Yeah, it seems a common delusion among racist, old white people that the fact that you pay your employees means that they're indebted to you. As if you shouldn't have to pay them for their labor and they should be grateful to you for being nice enough to do so.

Yup. I dated a white guy years ago and when we split up he called me the n-word to mutual friends.

Do people turn to But I Have A Black Friend™ because they think it proves that they're not racists in general? If so, that does not prove that the specific comment at issue was not a dumbshit racist thing to say. Admit you were wrong, apologize sincerely, feel appropriately ashamed of yourself, then try to be

Black girl here. For years I dated a guy who was also not white, but I didn't know until we'd been together for a while that he was not really that okay with black people in general. He viewed me as somehow exceptional, and it made me sick inside to know that he felt that black people had to prove themselves to him,

Misogynists marry women all the time. It means absolutely nothing about their actual feelings towards a person they are supposed to love or care about.

they've obviously never had the unique "pleasure" of being told you're pretty for a black girl.

You must be in the same group of people who think her daughter's hair is too "nappy."

"why can't black women artificially dye their hair blonde too, white women dont have the monopoly on fake blonde hair. "

GAH!!!! I am so frustrated. Beyoncé is potentially trying to do something good for young women (young black women specifically?). Can't we support her? I mean, isn't her message a good message? She may have won the pretty lottery, but not by everyone's standards. And we don't know what struggles she had to go

I remember when I was young I used to feel so self concious about my hair, my butt etc. I think people forget what the Jennifer Aniston loving 90's was like for black women, everything about the way we looked was wrong. When bootylicious came out and people started praising Bey and Jlo's bodies it genuinely changed my

Wait, being a successful woman can for damn sure make someone a feminist and a role model. Feminism is not some elite club that you have to hit certain markers to join. She may not be the type of role model you want to look up to, so don't. But, that doesn't mean Beyoncé can't be a role model for some people who

Now playing

Its a nice enough song, has a strong message and I'm sure will hit a chord with lots of people. However, I will always forever love "Unpretty" by TLC. I'm almost 30 and still weep and nod my head in agreement when I hear it.

I hope all of you bitching that Beyonce is too pretty to complain about beauty standards realize that she probably had to fight long and hard to recognized as beautiful in a media industry that considers beauty to be thin, white and blonde. Beyonce may be beautiful, but she doesn't have supermodel proportions. If she

"Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women..." plus she's just topped Time's annual most influential person list.

I thought you were talking about the arguments that are surely going to get started here in the comments. Privilege will be checked. It will be checked so hard.

OMG but does she really get to criticize standards of beauty I mean she SAYS she's a feminist but she always wears body suits. I mean, she explicitly identifies with the term feminist, samples feminists talking about feminism on her album, but her tour was called Mrs. Carter. I mean, she features Black dancers in her

No one influences privileged white girls like Beyonce does.

First Lupita and now Bey?! I love black excellence.