
Can you please list other groups of people for which your sympathy is "limited?"

I'm almost 300lbs and have never experienced what your taking about. Just because your big doesn't automatically make you a target of bullying. And I go to the gym all the time and every trainer there is very supportive. It's not fair to judge a situation where you have no facts.

This. People also get pissed off at racism. That doesn't make racist behaviour any more "logical" or "true".

Please don't project your issues onto her. You don't even know her or the whole story. I'm sorry that a trainer was mean to you though.

So, let me get this straight.

Wait, wait, wait a minute. Did you just say "the victim story?" Right after you commented about not having sympathy for a stranger because of (admittedly awful) experiences you've had with other people at gyms?

Why does the word trainer evoke such a negative response from you? Would "pregnant woman gets bullied at the gym" do the same?

Wowza. Talk about a derail.

You don't know whether she does or doesn't stand up for others being bullied. You don't know whether she does or does not take on overweight clients. So snarking on her for not doing something you have no idea if she does just comes off as being a jerk. Direct your anger at the people who have earned it, not at anyone

...Do you even go here?

Don't forget tho, if she doesn't work out and decides to just sit on her tushy for 9 months she gets all the concern trolls worried about how much weight she's putting on!

Unless this woman is viciously pounding on her belly with the free weights while screaming "DIE PARASITE DIE", keep it to yourselves, trolls.

Aaaand they also have their own history of colonizing others.

Germany has a reason to be real sensitive to minority cultures. Just sayin'.

Yeah but you know what I'm saying. She is not allowed to use that as an excuse. Plus she's been working in the U.S. for quite awhile.

Who's surprised, though? I'm not. Not at all.

Pioneer skin

I can almost hear folks rushing here to ask why redface is a problem, and why they can't wear a headdress to "honor" Native Americans, even though the article and many linked articles explain. Knowing nukinja, they'll be among the better informed commenters.

They don't, though one assumes they have assess to the internet.

Cue the "but she's german and they don't have the history with Native Americans that we do" lines...