
Sorry, Jezebel commenters, that Beyonce is not worthy enough of espousing such feminist tenets like posting videos of rapes; putting bounties on magazine photo shoots or; framing M&M commercials as examples of rape culture.

You mean she's imperfect and/or doesn't do feminism in exactly the way you'd like her to?!?!?!! Yes, by all means, let's tear her to shreds, that's certainly the right and pragmatic thing to do here.

At least she made an effort to educate herself on feminism. Is she a perfect one? No, but a perfect feminist doesn't exist. We are all capable of being problematic one way or another. She's doing and saying a lot more than a lot of female celebrities who either misunderstand feminism or reject it entirely.

Is that snark? I'm genuinely glad there's someone out there with massive celebrity who's identifying as a feminist, calling out sexism, and giving someone like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie a platform.

Yeah, one of racism's favorite cloaks is "satire".

I don't watch The Voice (that's the show he's on, right?) but one of the commercials on TV I see for the show has him talking in a stereotypical Latina accent, hand gestures/neck movement and all, supposedly mocking Shakira (all in good fun, of course *eyeroll*). It comes across as super douchey...and racist.

White guy appropriates/exploits minority identity for profit? Sounds like business as usual to me.

Adam, you've already created the perfect shirt to explain how I feel about this career choice:

Tell me again why we give a crap what this "Racist Barbie with chutney breath" thinks? Seems like a waste of time to give her any press. Every keystroke is a waste of human energy. Oh crap, I just wrote a comment on her! She got me!

*runs and hides*

Has anybody seen American Mary? Great horror movie.

Guess what. If you're over 50% saline and silicone, you don't get to make judgments about human beings. Go to an auto plant and tell the robots how ugly they are.

Can't really argue with her on having children. So many people have kids for selfish reasons.

People who romanticizing the 50's and 60's are the worst. I can understand praising those time periods if you're a straight, Christian white able-bodied male, but if you're anything outside of that, you need to A) love yourself and B) educate yourself, most importantly.

I think we can all agree that Russian-Armenian miscegenation is the root of all evil. I mean, good God, who wants to see Armenian man-nose on a little girl? Thank you, extremely-limited-worldview-Barbie, for giving voice to the downtrodden.

Whhyyyyyyy is this person getting a "profile" in a real magazine? This does not compute. She is an internet oddity. A sideshow freak for the information age. No wonder no one buys mags anymore.

wow what a shock she's bat s**t crazy

The best part is you can tell how happy she is while she's out there.

I'm pretty sure Brazil nuts see her thighs and break on their own out of respect.

1) she looks like she is having more fun than anyone else in the building.

damn, look at that strong woman. She is awe inspiring.