
Yep, Dodai, it's part of how white privilege works in America (as well as the pop psychology of the perpetual teenager)—choosing to perform a marginalized and "risky" identity without being subject to any of the very real consequences people of color in the US face in what Michelle Alexander calls the racial caste

Thank you for joining us! I am wondering if you will touch on the concept of identifying with American black culture as a form of rebellion? It seems like Miley's Disney days — acting in the "wholesome" Hannah Montana part — have fueled her desire to be viewed as something less acceptable/mainstream, and she's using

That was my first thought too. This will ensure that she's being seen. And not just seen and visible, but seen and represented as someone beautiful and aspirational. It's such a big deal. I'm too excited to process.

I actually think that's better than her acting.

And I think the fact that it is for a "high-end" brand is a huge step and may start to truly break down some barriers in the luxury goods industry which will then impact social prejudices.

For real! She's well-deserving. This bummed me out a bit, though:

This is such a big deal. For a black woman — a dark-skinned woman — to get a BEAUTY campaign. Very exciting.

Discrimination requires the judgement to actually have an effect on the people in question. 2 consenting adults can be together, yes. But people can also judge all they want, and as long as their judgement isn't actually impeding the ability of those 2 people to be together, it is not discrimination.

What you are saying is not accurate. He was like, "Holy shit! You're only 17? That's cool! So, shall I get a room?" That was the gist of it. You should click on the link and follow the full conversation. He acted like he was shocked that she wasn't 18 but it wasn't a deterrent. Her failure to say, "Absolutely!

Teenagers don't have a fully developed pre frontal cortex yet. That's the part of the brain responsible for planning, judgment and impulse control. That is why teenagers so often make terrible decisions. They are physically not capable of making good decisions all the time. It isn't enlightened and sex positive

Oh, because men haven't always been called playboys or silver foxes or shit like that. Cry me a fucking river.

Yep, that's what I thought.

See: Power dynamics

You seriously have no idea what ageism is. Acknowledging that differences in age can imply differences in power dynamics is not ageism.

According to your argument the age of consent is "ageist." Soo congrats on being a terrible person.

It's not ageism if we find his desperation hilarious and creepy.

What? I don't think he's even creepy! I'm saying thinking he is creepy is not ageism! People can think whatever they like. Do you actually think it is ageism?? Please, make that argument using evidence from the article.

That isn't what Jerm Deeks said. He said it's AGEISM!!11!! Anyone can think dude is creepy for any action he took. That's not the same as discrimination or stereotyping.

I can't tell if you're being ironic. Ageism, like racism and sexism, means stereotyping and discriminating against groups or individuals based on their age (which, incidentally, usually is a lot more than Franco's 35). Where do you see stereotyping or discrimination against James Franco due to his age

Are you for fucking real?