
Um, leggings are not pants if you're going in to the office, but leggings are pants if you're going to the gym. The dress code should be a bit more relaxed at the gym than most other places.

Really??? I have never heard of any gym where you can't wear a cropped tank like the one pictured above.

I wonder if other women in the gym were wearing tank tops or camis without a t shirt. If the rule is "no tank tops" or "no bare midriff" they should have simply told her that.

Its an exercise camisole, and its designed and made to be worn on its own with nothing over it.

She was wearing a shirt. What is this Saudi Arabia?

If she wants to actually work out, she probably shouldn't be going to Planet Fitness anyway.

To be clear, I don't at all think that was a flaw in the article—the author is discussing racism specifically, not small-penis shaming in general, which is a perfectly valid topic. I hesitated a bit before posting the last comment because I really didn't want to take an article about Asian women's and men's

Does not wanting to sleep with short or large people mean you hate short or large people? What about transsexuals? I won't sleep with gay men either, does that make me homophobic? Just because you aren't sexually attracted to people with certain characteristics doesn't mean you hate them as people.

I thought this was strange as well. Having sexual preferences for certain races doesn't make you a racist.

So the next time you hear someone say, "I'm just not into Asian men," do me a favor and slap them across the face.

When an Asian woman says she doesn't date Asian men, I think there is a lot more going on there than assumptions on penis sizes.

This is outstanding advice.

Shaming of Asian men as a result of racist stereotypes =/= making fun of dicks. Sorry.

Thank you for bringing this up. I think this aspect of having small breasts is often minimized, when it can be quite important.

That bra thing is annoying. Why does everyone assume we need like 12 inches of padding.

Do you mean objectively small, or small for your frame? There are challenges as an AA.

I fought off outright insults and implicit attacks to my physical make-up — verbal jabs, dismissals, and off-the-cuff remarks that ultimately reminded me that my femininity, physical beauty, and overall appeal had been sized up entirely by my deficiency to hold up a particular idealized notion of womanhood.

Thanks for sharing this great article on Jezebel! I hope the conversation is not majorly hacked by women with large breasts.

In high school, I was informed that I was chair of the IBTC, so you should promptly remove that from your resume.

I was also given detention for responding to that particular gentleman that we couldn't all be blessed with his cleavage. I'm gonna go add that to mine.