
my favorite: When will they make '12 Years a Slave Owner'. That story needs to be told #whitemanprotestsigns

I needed these laughs.

"Diversity=White Genocide."

I don't see a difference. Certainly not one that elevates Madonna's motives over Beyonce's.

Madonna does ALL of those things. Don't get me wrong, I think she's brilliant - but it's all about getting a reaction - not about what she herself might be into. She's all about donning disguises - it's not about HER. It's about the trend that she's trying to sell or spearhead.

Jesus. I was reading through your comments trying to understand where you were coming from with this "Beyonce's not a feminist because she wants to please her husband" angle and there it is! The stripper shaming. It all makes sense now.

Now I see where you're going, though I still disagree. You're introducing motive. These women's motives may be different but they also may be the same. As someone above mentioned, I think Madonna really was about performance, audience reaction, self-worth. I think Beyoncé is much less about audience reaction and more

If you think that's the only picture of her sexualized, you don't know Madonna at all. I mean not even a little. There are litterally hundreds, mayhaps thousands of pictures of her in like poses. Maybe you just aren't old enough. I could Google it for you but I"m sure you know how Google works. Look for Madonna late

The third ward trill thing is something that she's only picked up in the past year. The fact that she will publicly come out and shame H&M and other publications for photoshopping her curves but is silent on the constant lightening of her skin tone. Once again look at the progression of her ablum covers. "Beyonce" is

I'm not sure what this means? I think it's disappointment /*headesk* but I stand by my statement and am happy to defend it.

The way she ALWAYS makes sure that people know her ancestry in french creole and not haitian creole, that dumb l'oreal perfect match commercial. And just take a look at all her album covers from Dangerously in love, to b'day, to I am.. to 4

Granderson and O'Reilly are pissed because Beyoncé isn't talking about sexing up her man in a demure, non-threatening kind of way.

"I'm uncomfortable talking to my kids about sex. Therefore, no adult should ever express their sexuality if it might lead to me having to talk to my kids about sex. It makes parenting harder than it should be."

Doesn't this whole Beyonce being sexual controversy point out the disingenuousness of the abstinence/wait until marriage crowd? Beyonce is singing about being sexual WITH HER HUSBAND and is still taking heat for doing so from conservatives. It goes to show that they're full of shit when they say they want sex to be

Also, who exactly said Bey had to be kid friendly? Some stuff is grown folks shit. That's okay. Yoncé is GROWN.

Beyonce is a great role model for real reasons that have nothing to do with her sexuality

"If she truly wants to be kid-friendly, she should consider leaving the foreplay in the bedroom because trying to have it both ways makes parenting for some harder than it should be."

If we're going to continue with these Beyonce articles can we at least talk about how beyonce picks up and puts down her blackness according to her money. Her constant appeals to white standards of beauty from Dangerously in Love to Beyonce. Colorism. No? ok just asking