
Empowerment looks different to different people. For some women, casual sex IS a way to empower themselves, own their sexuality, and make a statement against patriarchal notions of female sexual purity, etc. However, that is most certainly NOT universally true, and it sucks that you've come away from feminist

This article mainly made me wish we didn't build sex up into this huge monumental THING. I wish we could treat it more like, I don't know, skiing. There are some risks you need to be aware of, some people start when they're young, other people don't try it until they're older, and there's nothing wrong with you if you

I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS ARTICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This pretty much illustrates that standards of beauty for, specifically, Black women are still fucking dangerous and rarely achievable. You're welcome.

I see a lot of articles here on Jezebel about the pressures women face to be thin, but I hardly see anything about the pressure women of color face to have these ridiculously curvaceous bodies. Size zero, photoshopped models on magazines aren't the only unrealistic society places on our bodies... for some of us,

It's terribly sad that so many young women, trans women especially, are so desperate for these expensive cosmetic procedures that they turn to obviously unsafe alternatives like this one. I remember from a year or two ago the woman injecting that mixture that included fix-a-flat into people.

We can all easily judge

The local PSCA should remove this cat from the home. They KICKED it for misbehaving?! How long til they beat the kid for misbehaving?

I'm betting this poor cat is the target of systematic abuse. That baby barely got a scratch on its head and yet the dude boots it in the ass hard enough to cause it to go into full-on attack cat mode. >.<

I sincerely hope the pet psychologist tells them that cats aren't suitable playmates for children and kicking them will only antagonize them.

I have five cats. One got swatted on her heiney just yesterday, and I push them with my feet aaaalll the time. But a kick? Maybe I'm a softy, but I imagine a spleen-bursting, rib-cracking boot and I get upset.

OR...and I'm just getting wild here for a's the parents' responsibility to figure out how to properly have both a cat and a baby, and not the fault of the cat or the baby that this shit happened. A cat is an animal with limited cognitive abilities, not a human being. If you can't figure out how to keep

He kicked the cat and wonders why it's psychotic? These people sound like assholes.

How about you start by doing a better job of supervising your baby and your pet? I bet they were trying to film a cute interspecies video of the two for social media fame and things didn't go as planned. Poor kitty.

Will the family be getting coaching on how to own a fucking cat?

Oh cool, a cat has more comprehensive mental health care than me...

The adults in this story are ridiculous.

I still feel really upset about the cat getting kicked.

Do you think the pet psychologist will have a tiny little cat-sized couch for him to lay on?

"So, I'm just walking around doing cat stuff, right? And I walk by the kid — and let me tell you something about this kid: I hate him. He's always poking me, yanking my tail, climbing on me, pinning my ears back, all that crap. All I'm saying is I warned them. I warned them several times that if that damn kid pulled