
OMG thank you for mentioning the nurse character.

  1. I need her piss-poor stereotypical depiction of the sassy black nurse to be reworked.

I have to say, I'm really sick of this excuse that people use for Lena and Mindy. That no one is demanding more from everyone else. That's not true! WHITE PEOPLE may not be demanding more, but plenty of Black, Latino, and Asian organizations and individuals have been lamenting the lack of diversity in television

Dear Mindy,

Yes. The really odd thing is that she's almost asking to be given a pass because she's an Indian woman. Even if you take her point on ethnic diversity, there's no explaining the lack of other women in substantial roles on the show. I am running out of like for Mindy.

Yeah, sorry, when I said "bullshit double standard" I meant that we should be demanding this MORE from everyone else, not that we should stop hoping for it from Mindy.

"I have to surround myself with white dudes so white people will watch my show. Just like any other show."—Honest!Mindy

I'm a fucking Indian woman also, but it doesn't mean I don't think about ways to challenge people's notions of diversity. While I agree that a double-standard exists and no one person should be responsible for breaking all the barriers, I don't think it hurts to challenge onesself to keep pushing boundaries.

She's a minority which means she has to be the voice for her entire race. /s

I'm calling bullshit. Bill O'Reilly never thinks, period!

It's great that we have men who sexually harass women they work with judge women for expressing a healthy sexual appetite for their husbands.

I'm glad Bill finally brings up an important point, that if you have sex in the back of a limousine you will absolutely get pregnant with an unwanted child.

Bill-O is a big ole racist. He doesn't get called one outright because his rhetoric isn't quite as loudmouth-ey as say a Rush Limbaugh, but this fucking dude spends countless hours on his show talking about 'the problem with black people' (it's telling too that he assumes all black people should speak for each

I don't see how judging a woman for jiggling her ass is furthering any sort of "feminist" cause.

And I think Bill O'Reiley is bad for the development of children that we would want to grow up to be rational, thinking, responsible adults.

So Bill O Riley gives a fuck about us huh? Stop. Why isn't he asking questions about all the girls who look up to Marilyn Monroe? Not to bash her in anyway (especially from the sad things I read that happened to her) but shes one of the original icons and shes celebrated for her beauty and sexuality, by both black

This is the same man who thinks Michelle Obama needs to go on television and tell teenage girls to close their legs and be classy. I don't value his opinion.

I would think the conservative nuts would appreciate that she's screwing HER HUSBAND in the back of the limousine and not some random video guy.

Because it is literally impossible to have sex in the back of a limousine with your spouse. People who are married NEVER have exciting or scandalous sex (at least not with each other). God, it's not enough that people like O'Reilly project their jealousy, hatred, and bigotry onto everybody else, they have to assume

Well, you know, sex=bad (even if you are in a happy monogamous heterosexual marriage, I guess). And when those two consenting adults engaged in the sexual activity are black, woah, that is really bad.