
I'm tired of you. Go away.

I often get the impression (and this is just a feeling, backed by no empirical evidence) that in Europe there's a lot more acceptance of blatant racism than in the US. Don't get me wrong, we have blatant racism in the US, but I feel like I see it called out more often. I would posit that we're much more sensitive to

...there's streaky brown paint all over her body in some of the pictures? Actually, I don't know why I'm replying because you're probably just trolling.

"Well, to tell the family secret, my grandmother was Dutch."

Ok, I'm sorry but having a black model would not have made this photo shoot any less fucked up. The problem here is the subject inspiration - clearly something tribal that's portrayed in a way that makes it look "savage". Using a black model would not have excused these images in any way, and could potentially make

why they didn't just use a black model in the first place.

I believe it's part of his new line Stereotypique

Italy... The Florida of Europe.

You don't understand. The model is Dutch, it's totally A-OK when Dutch people do this because they're super enlightened and they're just so past all that.

Fuck. Can you imagine the shit the creative director et al were shouting at her during the shoot?

What is even going on in this picture???

This seems to be a. . .thing with European fashion folks. Or do we just hear about it more than American designers and magazines doing the same sort of thing?

This is so egregious. And people wonder why some of us are a bit leery of white people. Hmm...

That looks completely stupid. I am a little speechless right now.

Racistface. So hot right now. Racist face.

Because they're too white to know any better.

I really do wish I was shocked. I'm kinda sad that I'm not, tbh. This shit is just so predictable. Do better.

So, is the blackface intentionally streaky? I just, what? Regardless of how offensive this is (and it is offensive) this photoshoot looks like shit.

Why do white people insist on doing this?