
Right. I like the show but, I'm going to need her to cool it w/ that anti black shit.

YES! Her character has a lot of sides to her. Sometimes I think people expect the stereotypical studious Indian girl doctor who quotes paragraphs from textbooks and wears thick glasses all the time for her character. Sheesh.

I'm so annoyed and tired of the critique that Dr. L doesn't seem smart enough to be a doctor.

I'm an African, living in Africa and I call myself black, because the label "african" is so diverse. There are millions of people, of various races who, just like me, were all born in Africa and therefore are African, but they are not all black.

All those other minorities might realize they deserve more! Can't have that! Now put on this giant toilet paper roll and get out there!

Lol but she is not African American she is British.

It seems as if they want to do the divide and conquer tactic in terms of trying to ignore the very real problem of racial representation by trying to imply that she is better than all the other Black girls. I think they are narcissistic enough to think that she wouldn't realize that is what they are doing.

Logically I know it would be wrong to hit a 12 year old, but the girl put her hands on the mom first, and slapped her first and in the mom's shoes I can't honestly say I wouldn't reflexively slap back. It's easy to say you'd be the bigger person, but it's a lot harder to actually do.

(recommending to get this out of gray, not to say that i like these results!)

A quick search reveals these times when they have commented on Japanese cultural appropriation:

How would you have felt, if after 9/11, some very rich, very hot Islamic girls did photo shoots, using Congressional Medals of Honor as pasties and posted them on Instagram?

So no one should stick up for my culture if they're not sticking up for other cultures? Cool. Thanks for nothing.

I'm sorry, have white people been historically oppressed? Were they uprooted and forced to travel thousands of miles? Were they forced to assimilate — taken from their families at an early age and placed in schools to systematically strip their culture from them? Does a crown have religious significance? Did kings

Crowns are European and we haven't violated and oppressed the monarchs of the world.

I am Native American. I am upset by this girl wearing a headdress. The headdress is not equivalent to a kimono because a kimono is not part of the spiritual custom of the Japanese culture. A kimono should not be worn as a costume, but it is also not an item of religious significance to the culture that created it. If

It makes a lot more sense if you're familiar with the kind of governor her mother is.

Hoping this doesn't come off as flaming... The headdress is a sacred symbol. Assuming you're American, you probably wouldn't want someone wearing a Purple Heart because it looks cool. It is a symbol of sacrifice and honor. So is the headdress.

It's just amazing how great we white people are at deciding what is and is not racist. We've been on an amazingly lucky streak so far too, not one single thing we have ever done qualifies somehow!

Can someone mail this as a response?

She absolutely knew she was shit-stirring here, elsewhere the photo was captioned "Appropriate Culturation." She's awful and just wants attention for her band. All her responses to critics on Pink Pony's page are like this: