
course, i could easy understand how one could confuse the those two things...

I love all the comments of, "THIS IS STILL ON THE AIR?!" Not only is it still on the air, it's still kinda killing it in the ratings. (I realize people place various levels of importance and meaning in ratings, but for context, Grey's was only slightly behind super buzzy talked about Scandal in the ratings last

I'm not an archetypal woman. All my friends are boys.

I don't think I understand that Lily Allen quote. She references how guys tell her what they prefer, but then talks about competition, which I took to mean her critiquing herself, as well, for feeling competitive with the thinner woman, but then says that men aren't the enemy. I just...I feel like I'm reading a word

Also, basing a society on what constitutes boner bait has yet to work out well.

Yes, Lily- all men EVERYWHERE are into meatier women. Not a single man ever has been into thin women. Or heavy women. Or those with athletic builds.

Using hateful terms hurts both the person inflicting it, and the person it's inflicted upon, precisely because as you said, it's reductive. No one's painful, racist history wants to be reduced to a pun. It strips the person of their humanity.

But this is your opinion. You can continue to believe what you believe. But

This came up more than once in the most uncomfortable way. True Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have a diverse family of adopted children. But, Brad Pitt was a producer and actor on 12 Years A Slave. Lupita Nyong'o comes from a very good family. They knows she's a full grown adult, and accomplished Yale graduate.

I hate


It seems to me like there's just an overall tone of mockery towards black people in film in general. I feel like African-American cinema is lumped into two categories by Hollywood and the general public: "The Black Hardship Film" (The Butler, 12 years a Slave, Precious.) and "The Stupid Romantic Comedy Farce" (Tyler

Even though I believe that America loves seeing Black people as slaves, maids, and thugs, I don't agree that this movie only won because it has "Slave" in the title. Have you seen it? It was horrific and disturbing to watch, and those actors worked their asses off. I hate to describe a movie that made me feel like

And comments like that one is the reason why I just couldn't get worked up about the bruhaha over Jason Biggs and his wife's baby controversy. He's a racist dick.

"12 years a slob." Aside from the heinous racism, what a shitty thing to say. I thought Ms. Sidibe looked lovely. Racist AND hateful to a bigger woman! He should win a prize or something.

I think it's important to speak out publicly against racism, and of course, bad science, regardless of whether people are trolling or not. It likely won't change a troll's mind, but it will educate people who don't know any better or are sitting on the fence.

Scientific racism is pseudoscience: it was pseudoscience in the turn of the century, it was pseudoscience when Mengele was busy murdering Jewish twins just to find out why some of them were born with blue eyes (a perfect example of a total lack of understanding of genetics), and it's pseudoscience even if the great

I was gonna type a rebuttal to all this but I just can't even. "The average white", "blacks", "every single experiment has turned up the same results" LOOOLLLL.

Winning a Nobel prize doesn't make someone smarter, nor does it make them less racist, sexist, homphobic, etc.:

Is the cursor supposed to look like a KKK hood? That's hella clever.