
They still play them on the radio. i guarantee that at some time in the next week in most major cities a radio station will be playing "Brown Sugar," a song about a slaveowner raping his slaves.

There is an entire tumblr dedicated to this (though it stopped being updated last year due to the authors being too busy).

Do me a favor: check out, oh, I don't know, the Rolling Stones. When a rapper raps misogynist lyrics, it's called problematic. When Mick Jagger sings them, it's called clasic rock.

Hey white person! Please continue to tell all the black people how they can and cannot cope with or try to transcend their oppression!

Unlike Nigger, Rape cannot be reclaimed. There is no such thing as positive rape, but when i call my friend nigga, it is not offensive, because i use it in same context as bro or dude. But there is no positive way for you to use the way rape, unless you are using the word 'rape' to refer to rape seed.

Umm..Nicki Minaj was not a slave, but I'd be shocked that she never encountered racism in her life. Systematic racial oppression did not end with the abolishment of slavery. I doubt MLK jr, Rosa Parks, Malcom X, and many others would have launched the civil rights movement in the last century if all was great and

GIRL THANK YOU. If you listened to that whole track and all you got out of it was the word "rape", you're not in the target demographic anyway so please keep it moving. She went in on a group of men who've been dominating the game for too long now and who SORELY NEEDED to be put in check.

Not to mention the fact that Nicki gets thrown under the bus for doing poppy songs, collabing with pop artists, and doing American Idol or other non hip hop/mainstream endeavors when male rappers do this shit all the fucking time. Jay Z works with Mariah Carey, Beyonce, and Linkin Park and no one bats an eye. But oh

Thank you. If you listened to the whole track and the word "rape" is the only thing you got from it, you're not the target demographic anyway so keep it moving. She's going in on men who SORELY NEED to be gone in on. But hey, this is the website that posted a glowing review of Lily Allen's "Hard Out Here" video before

Can we also talk about how Beez in the Trap was essentially a giant 'fuck you' to people who are trying to shit on her career? Not only is she a gigantically successful female rapper, but she's touring on top of it, more so than many of her male counterparts. Nicki's getting paid and for a damn good reason.

These triscuits have come out in full force. White people don't y'all have anything better to do than itching for a chance to say nigger? Why do you agonize so much over this? Don't you have a decent enough vocabulary to prevent you from resorting to semantics and mental gymnastics that will authorize you to say

Don't try and clean what you said up.

Racism is inextricably tied to power (i.e. Jim Crow, slavery, pretty much the entire criminal justice system, "black on black crime") . If you think to its history, race was an invented social construct used to justify the subjugation of a group of people. Blacks were savage brutes that's why they should be slaves.

My mothers side of the family has been Wiccan as far back as we have record of family.

I disagree that it's okay to use the rape metaphor, but everything else you said is pretty much spot on.

Exactly! I literally haven't felt this excited about a woman speaking so blatantly in hip hop since lil kim's "i don't want dick tonight" lol. I've always loved Lauryn but because she is lumped in the "conscious rap " category her rhymes were respected but I don't think heard as much as a voice for women. Sometimes it

It's such a clear clapback song. All these twitter/instagram moguls are so upset about it because a "thot" had the nerve to call them on their fuckboy nonsense.

Literally breaking them down point by point ! So many guys on my intsagram and twitter are up in arms and can't wait for the "reposnses tracks" from the men or the rap game. Literally even though Nicki is not my cup of tea, this song cannot be ignored and gave black women a voice that we barely have in the rap game

Thank you! It's ridiculous that the context of this song is being ignored here. Everything she's saying is pretty much about a woman standing up for herself where men would like to sexually dominate her and her breaking them down point by point.