
A post discussing some valid critiques of a successful black woman and the comments section devolves into shitting on rap music, making fun of her style and presentation, and declarative statements about how she isn't talented anyway.

This song is actually very empowering for young women, especially black women. What she actually talks about in this song is how some men not all, try to act big and present themselves as"ballers" and kings putting themselves up on a pedestal above women, when they actually are lames and doing stupid criminal things

No. Not all of the time. Do better.

He's not white. He's desi.

I wouldn't expect non-rap fans to understand, the music isn't for everyone. All sorts of "threats" are made during battles, as is already being discussed in a thread.

This isn't going to be a popular opinion on here but, I'd expect nothing less from a gentrified, corporate rap battle. They stopped it in the middle to castigate one of the MCs? That's not hip-hop.

What are you talking about? She didn't have 5 seconds before Nihal was between them. You know nothing about what she is capable of from this clip.

I would be interested to know how many people that comment on this know any wrestlers?

$250K is a fucking lot of money. If I were given the opportunity she had, I can totally see doing anything and everything to win it.

Hell for $250K you'll find the 6 hours a day—at least I would.

As if you'd get any respect if you don't go too far. You have some poundage on you? Then it's "Shut up, fattie. Disgusting!" You lose a lot of the weight and get to that glorious superskinny the media tells you to be? "Shut up, skellington! Bones, disgusting!" Can't fucking win, might as well be happy.

I wonder about this. No one says its barbaric to remove someone's uterus, gall bladder or appendix, for a variety of reasons. But people say its barbaric to remove breasts. Breasts are outside of the body, and are aesthetically attractive, yet after breast feeding, they do not have a real purpose.

I feel like that's basically the safest haircut ever.

This is amazing. However, if she herself says she doesn't consider herself a survivor of breast cancer, is it really fitting to call her one in the headline?

They could do both and as he was the lead in the film that was nominated for a tonne of Oscars they could at least direct some of the focus onto him, it is annoying how he has not had one post about his amazing acting in the film (or even a post about him). The only black male Brit Jezebel focuses on is Idris yet

She doesn't come from the "ghetto". She is from the Kenyan upper class.

They have never posted about him, the only black person they have posted about from the 12 YAS cast is Lupita (i love her but Chiwetel has been completely ignored by this site and so has the film bar one article).

Yass Steve McQueen always speaks the truth it is a shame that Jezebel ignores him because he always calls out how racist Hollywood is and never shies away from talking about racism and diversity.

She could wear a burlap sack, a fez and clown shoes and still be stunning.