
FORCING SOMEONE TO EDUCATE HER. Wow. Yeah, you're a bit much.

Yeah, how is that so hard to get. They don't need to be subjected to genocide for it to matter. It matters when people are killed for EXISTING. Brandon Teena would be alive today if she hadn't been trans. People find out that someone is trans and they will kill them and do unspeakable things to them that they

Are you kidding? I don't think trans-people need to be subjected to genocide before the issue of violence against them is addressed. The difference is that they are killed specifically BC of their identify...people like Brandon Teena for example. People who find out that someone is a transman or transwoman will

Morgan's questions played into the narrative that trans* people are somehow hoodwinking with gender. And, yes, that narrative gets people killed. It is a tool used to make trans* people appear to be deceitful, disordered, and alien. It is the same dehumanization we have seen used against Jewish people,

Tranlation: "Political correctness", the movement that has made it less acceptable for white, straight men to say whatever the fuck they want to and about whoever the fuck they want, is a pain in the ass! The resulting social pressure that happens is just...too...uncomfortable...and isn't fair because people are

Oh boo hoo, the privileged are tired of hearing marginalized groups complain about their oppression. Won't someone PLEASE think about the non-transgendered people?

NEWSFLASH: Oppressed people have the right to be angry about their oppression. His "interview" was not an interview; it was a continued, oppressive monologue that trans* people deal with every fucking day. He should be called out on it. Crying "bully" for being called out on bullshit is - well, bullshit.

Maybe it was a bit too strong, I concede, but I know PLENTY of people and have heard plenty of stories from the trans community about people who are violent towards them who believe the exact same thing he does—that these aren't women, but simply men who are masquerading as women(or vice versa) and as a result don't

I'm not going to presume to speak for trans people on most of your questions, but I can answer the first one: It's not "odd," it's rude. Imagine the way you'd feel if someone asked about your genitals and reproductive health — whether you're menstruating, say. (I am of course assuming you are female.) Whether you

No, a person's genitals are not what makes them a man or a woman. Not all trans people have surgery, and unless you're ignorant or unkind, you refer to them however they identify. There's an FAQ about trans people here:…

That gender identity is not tied to who you are at birth. Calling Janet Mock a boy until she turned 18 is pure ignorance about her transition, and like Mock said, extremely similar to how most people think if they're not educated about this specific issue. The fact that he refuses to say his line of questioning was

There is a ton of educational information out there written by people in the trans community. I would suggest googling and reading their blogs.

Good grief. It isn't hard to figure out how to be an appropriate interviewer of a transgender person. It isn't hard to apologize when people tell you your behavior was offensive and uncalled for. Is there a a time when calling out shitty behavior actually becomes shitty behavior? Sure. But come on, he was wrong and

This is the new normal? No, there is no new normal, not yet. In terms of acceptance of trans* identities there is still just the old, shitty normal.

Women like Janet Mock are killed by people who believe the ignorance Piers Morgan refuses to acknowledge in himself. But yeah, controversy machine, sure.

I hate that my responding to your garbage comment will move it from the grays, but it mist be said: fuck you and your "in all fairness" bullshit. Defend the murdering bastard all you want, but don't expect anyone to not see through his racially motivated actions.

oh well, as long as the only damage he cause was just a fatal gun shot wound, then...

Right? And not to mention, that the BMI used to consider 18 healthy and now it's underweight?