
Well, you can theoretically consume those in healthier amounts. One cigarette probably does more damage than a bag of chips. Mostly they're full of it but an argument could be made that cigarettes are far worse.

You sound white.

So they chopped off her hair to humiliate her and demean her. Welcome to post-racial America.

Think this would have happened if her hair looked like this?

Jezebel please monitor follow-up this story as best you can, I badly want to hear that this young woman gets justice - These cops have breached public trust and I hope they get prosecuted and lose their jobs.

If she had been white they would have fucking taken her to a hospital for a rape kit since she called them to report she'd woken up in that hotel room totally disoriented and thought she'd been drugged and attacked. But she's black so strap her down and cut her hair off instead.

I'm glad Jezebel posted about this - this was a racialized and sexualized assault. The fact that the assailant was a woman underscores this - she knew exactly how humiliating and demeaning it would be to the victim.

Nail extensions can be used as weapons in jail but if it were a white girl with nail extensions I doubt you'd see the cops cutting her nails off. They'd probably leave her to sober up before letting her call her parents/partner/lawyer to get her out on bail for trashing the hotel room in a moment of privileged

Sojourner Truth — Ain't I A Woman?

Let me be the first to welcome you to the thread with a big ol' fuck you. First problem: innocent people get arrested all the damn time. Second, acting like a jerk is kind of a normal reaction when one gets taken to jail. Officers should be trained in handling an unruly person- it is kind of their job. Lastly, sewn

There is more to this story. Charda woke up disoriented in a hotel room, and called the police because she thought she had been drugged and raped. Instead of taking her to a hospital for a blood test and rape exam, the police arrested her for trashing the room, and then this occurred. I hope she ends up owning the

Why am I NOT surprised by this; could it be the 50 years I've spent as a Black woman?

Thank you, I hate when police officers commit crimes while on duty; and the only punishment is losing their jobs instead of being prosecuted by the court.

Hearing this really ruined my day when i see this happening to a fellow black woman BECAUSE she is black.

Racist misogynistic sadists. They're no doubt cut from the same cloth as the scum that worked at abu ghraib.

Fired. Good. How about going to jail for assault?

And weirdly, the most surprising thing about this is not that a black woman was abused by police officers, but that it didn't take place in Florida.

Oh, and Jezebel was very, VERY quiet about that scene. Lena Dunham, you just shamed people through your proxy character into not talking about abuse. Some loser like Jessa will make fun of you for it, and accuse you of using it "as an excuse". And now she's so indignant that other people say stuff that makes abuse

This is so hypocritical. Lena Dunham is a champion for survivors of sexual trauma?

I don't really understand the dismissive "K" after a deliberate choice to quote paragraphs of someone politely detailing their weight-loss success.