
This was one of the earliest incidents that set me on the road to being the womanist that I am today. To say that we are forever in debt to Professor Hill for the fuckery that she soldiered through without wavering an inch is an understatement.

This woman is a freaking hero. She was thrown to the lions, and left to fend for herself. And that piece of crap asshole has not only never paid for it, but has been allowed to screw with the nation since. It's going to give me a rage stroke.

I'm all for innovations like this. I have a huge overeating/emotional problem, and only stop when I feel like I'm going to pop. If I could be brought to feel that way sooner in the eating process, I'd be grateful. Maybe there's a way to decrease the volume of these balloons, in time, so as to allow the stomach to

Yeah, you sound super lucky. I have big boob and therefore boob sweat. I didn't even know you COULD get zits on your underboob, but you can.

You really should shower after the gym though. The sweat can clog your pores and give you acne in weird places.

I have! But then again I have 4c (superduper curly, dry shrink-y) hair, so I'll pretty much always need more oil/moisture instead of trying to remove some.

'Now we think nothing of showering once, twice or even three times a day, before and after work or going out and after the gym,' she said in an interview with the Times.

Hot showers are the pinnacle of civilization, IMO. Take away my car, my electricity, my coffee, it's ok. But I want my shower.


Maybe Jez could offer a $10,000 bounty for unretouched pics of Queen Latifah's sexuality...

I always hated that royals song. Like the harmonies are pretty, but it always came off as this privileged white girl going why are all those pesky blacks so materialistic?

it's about macklemore's race because his music sucks. if he were a better rapper (like how amy winehouse was an amazing soul singer), there wouldn't be nearly as much pushback against him.

Shut up. He could have been a man and said it to Kendrick or simply texted him. Instead, he instagrammed it and put that shit on the internet so that everyone can see how 'gracious' and altruistic he is.

So what can be done?

this is the most transparent humble brag i have never seen.

I mean people have wrote extensively about how she took her sound and look from black women and lgbtq poc. then there is the beautiful video of bel hooks explaining why she is stupid.

Yeah non-white people who dislike her racism and cultural appropriation are 'haters' You white ladies are so smart.

1. black girls everywhere have been telling you for decades why madonna is the most basic of the bitches, but its cute that you're just getting it. I'm sleep tho.

Straight White People Give Each Other Awards for Doing Black Music About Gay Rights Better Than You Convention

Some anti-black shit that's been bubbling on Jezebel for a while now.