
If you are white you cant justify your points at all, you live in a bubble of white privilege and have no idea what it is like to be a black man.

This is an issue within the Black community, that if you are a Black woman and criticize a Black male owned thing (which I'm assuming World Star is) you are not being supportive of Black males. The Hip Hop community in general is like that. I understand that there are a good amount of rappers who don't engage in that,

So? And? Black women experience all the racism that people of color do plus all the sexism that women do. I'm in a whirlwind of white woman bullshit and black man bullshit here.

Wherever you think I live, I don't live there. If you don't know who these certain white women are, well...

Why does discussion of the racism and misogyny against Black women take away anything from the plight of others in the world? You took a break from doing everything you can to help the Bangladeshi men you are referring to to write this comment, correct?

You know, I don't understand these types of hypotheticals. Especially in this instance, because the article is about black men and black women and their relationship with one another, rather than whether fighting is "okay" or not. The answer to your question can't be yes or no, because the context of the discussion

I don't think you understand my point; black men are unable to empathize with black women because they are black women, not simply because they are women. It's the familiarity that allows them to be so specifically disrespectful, and it's the "otherness" that allows them to distance themselves so easily.

Obviously people care about men getting beat up. The whole point of the article is that black women are allowed to be preoccupied by the struggles of black men, but black men often dismiss the struggles of black women. When black men are violent it's "indicative of problems in the home/community/nation" but when

It's like it's open season on black women. I am so fucking sick of it. Black men get to dog the shit out of us. They will cape for white women and talk about us like we are less than the shit on the bottom of their shoes. I have had my male cousins discuss why they are not going to mess around with black women because

First of all, don't be sexist and disregard what I'm saying by calling me emotional.

damn, girl. you raised so much in me with this. THIS is exactly it is so frustrating, and reinforces my feeling that at black girls and women are at the bottom of society in terms of who "needs defending." I'm so disappointed in the men for not supporting what she was saying, and it never ceases to amaze me that many

Women are cooks; men are chefs. Women are seamstresses; men are fashion designers. Women are expected to do these things at home and for free, while men get to make careers out of the exact same tasks. It's always boggled my mind.

But men are better chefs! We literally can only have babies. And if you don't want a baby, you're kind of just there, taking up space, breathing in that oxygen that could have gone to a more deserving toddler (who is, incidentally, male).

I mean, a male colleague recently admitted to me that he initially thought I was a lesbian because I apparently know too much about music for any heterosexual woman.

Sorry. I definitely didn't mean to sound like I'm lecturing you. I get frustrated when I see commenters here who think this is a safe or truly pro-woman place. I always have an urge to shout, "RUN! RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN!"

I totally agree. I'm not the one that labeled them feminist. They call themselves feminist all the time. Arguing about how there are poor feminist is a whole nother story though.

"Ehhhh, I don't need the writers to be holier than thou"

Groupthink is awful. It's like a weird in-group that loves each other passionately but hates everyone else and bitches constantly about the very site they're hanging out on. They hang onto every single perceived wrong that a writer has done, as if being a blogger means that you should be inhumanly perfect.