
The report, and this article, is about CHILDREN. CHILDREN are not physically different in terms of size, height, strength in any way which relates to biological sex or gender.

So it's irrelevant whether a full grown woman could or could not 'keep up with men' - even if that did make sense as a concept (you failed to

I dunno... she leans to the RIGHT a bit in that shot. >:-|

My birth control didn't work!

I'm trying to figure out if that was a feminist shot she took or not.

Because beauty standards aren't limited to just body size. It matters given the intent of the project.

Well, it's a collaboration between 2 specific people. It's not like the photographer chose only a white model for a series of shoots. It is just as much Baker's project as it is Liora K.'s. If the photographer were to continue it on her own, I would hope that she'd pick even greater diversity than just size for

My first thought was, "Young man! It is clearly winter where you are! Put on your shirt! You'll catch your death!"

Are there more pictures somewhere else?

Black and Hispanic men and women are also much more susceptible to glaucoma and have thinner corneas (which is also related to proclivities for glaucoma). It's a really difficult area of medicine though (studying differences between different population groups), because you have to spend half your time keeping the

Fuck the world. I'm tired of all this exclusion, assumption, neglect,misrepresentation with Black Women and Any other POC. I'm fat, black and tall fuck everyone who doesn't like me. I'm still going to exist as much as you don't want me to. Now time to eat some cookies before I start my my juicing fast tomorrow and

I'm surprised they didn't mention...uh, STRESS and how that negatively affects health.

...for which she deserved a long license suspension, AA or something similar, and probation/a short stint Inside—not to be shot dead at close range by a racist, trigger-happy vigilante.

Well, McBride was drunk and injured (possibly in the head) and it sounds like her behavior was pretty erratic. I think it's quite understandable for the bystander not to want to try to physically restrain her. If I were in that position, I would try saying "There's an ambulance on the way, why don't you stay here/sit

What was she supposed to do, forcibly restrain her?

How is it that this dude looks like age-progressed George Zimmerman? Is this GZ from the future?

Wafer himself called 911, telling a dispatcher that he'd shot someone on his porch who had been "banging on his door."

Ah well, the thread is lost now. Might as well engage and have some cathartic fun!

"Someone needs to educate people who don't know" Entitled, much?

It's not up to us to educate you on our oppression. Use Google.