
Here's the thing about these comments. Of course Asians count. I spend my time reading Angry Asian man and other blogs because I care about the issues surrounding other minority groups. But as a black person with plenty on my own plate, I'm not going to put all my limited time and energy reserves into someone

That's absolutely untrue. If they can figure out how to get the Irish car boy married into the family, they fan integrate a black person into the plot. How about a Jazz singer who found solace from racism back home performing in Europe:…

Yet, you'll never see half a percent of her net worth. I know it hurts.

And your assumption that if it's solely about talent, black women won't be represented in high numbers, is racist.

Listen, Bertsayswoof. I was directly responding to the DOZENS of comments I have seen that PARTICULARLY state that white woman are blasting her brand of feminism. I am white. I dig her shit. That's all. It is not a part of my regular MO to point out such things. But thanks for your feigned offense. Fucking spare me.

Uh...I never implied, in any way, that this was about race. You did.

I'm actually not a fan of Beyoncé. It just bothers me how people here and other white feminist were so hard on her for things they don't even mention when white artist do it.

yeah,but one should be educated on black feminism and black female sexuality before running their mouths. it's not as simple as it appears. one commenter basically called her a 'ho' (stripper) and appealing to the lcd ( ghetto). i honestly believe that a lot of white women,on jezebel,are threatened by beyonce being a

that's not true. you better give valid reasons of why you don't think she's a feminist. oh! and,definitely, be educated on black feminism and black female sexuality before calling her a stripper or lcd i.e. ghetto like some jezzie did.

She was homeschooled and graduated from the high school level. What you're referring to isn't education, it is formal schooling. Beyonce has plenty of real life education in how to be successful and get paid.

Yeah I thought that was the point of feminism. To be equals and have the right to make our own choices whether they be this or that. To not have to compete with each other. I mean there are things I like and that speak to me but it doesn't mean anything it just is. I wrote on a B post that the Janelle Monae album this

I'm a white old, and I think this album is G.E.N.I.U.S. and that Beyoncé is a feminist icon. Like, to the point that I'd name my kid after her. These haters need to get over themselves.

If they are white, they are born feminist. It's just when they are POC and actually say they are feminist, hire mostly women to work with them that we have to question their brand of feminism.


And to be fair, I understand why that happens when Jezebel repeatedly writes actual articles like:

she isn't white. So she can't be feminist.

Then they wonder why a lot of POC don't want to be part of the Movement. Maybe because that same movement just love to show them how they are never good enough to be part of it. While celebrating bi phobic, trans phobic people like Jenlaw and racist people like Lena Dunham.

Caucasian self-identified feminist here: Beyonce is ridiculously amazing. I've been a big fan for a long time, but her latest is putting me over the edge... she's SO fab. This album was so creative, so insightful... and I love that she's giving us glimpses into her creative process.

I wouldn't say it's anti-feminist. She's essentially saying you don't get to be possessive of me, especially when you wouldn't commit to me. It's mostly a great breakup anthem, and even feminists have breakups.

It's quite amusing that an article is posted about Beyonce embracing feminist ideals and promoting personal growth and happiness as well as her hitting an amazing professional milestone and all some people can come back with is 'WHY IS JEZEBEL STILL WRITING ABOUT BEYONCE???'