
That's why they hate Obama so much. He got elected without ever seeking the approval Real Americans®. His coalition freaks them out, as it should.

Conservatism defined: "But what about meeeeeeeee?"

Does anyone else remember the show Recess from the 90's? There was an episode where the main characters tackled the "Believing in Santa" thing, and the one thing I remember from it was that at the end, the main character bumps into a guy heavily implied to be Santa. This is that guy:

What pisses me off about people like Megyn Kelly is that they do have the capability to get upset at inequality... when it affects them.

That's the great thing about being white, we just claim everybody once they get popular.

Okay white folks let's talk. Racial draft 2014 will soon be upon us. I would like to open up negotiations on behalf of Team Black for John Stewart's contract. We are willing to put some big names on the table, however please note that Beyonce and Idris Elba are off limits.

I think white people are scared their age of dominance is coming to an end. They won't be the majority in a short time. More and more minorities are actively shaping the world, not just passively accepting the script white people love. Their "Leave It To Beaver" utopia is crashing down around them and some of them

I think that the mothers who are constantly asked this are the ones who get to determine whether or not it is offensive. The more important point though, is that strangers are not entitled to "more detailed information" about the child's genetics or parentage. If this question bothers people, and it isn't really

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Santa was always black in my house growing up. Being mixed race (B&W) my parents always diverted to black as the standard. Black Santa, black Barbies, etc.

"You can't take facts and force them to fit some kind of political agenda."

This burns my chaps (the white Santa bit).

My house: Black Santa and Joseph are having a heck of an intense discussion about something.

Best response by far:

"Hey man, what the hell are you doing? Hey kids, stop cryin'. Santa is real as fuck." LOL. Love her.

"Who are you talking to?? Kids sophisticated enough to watch 10:00 news... yet innocent enough to believe in Santa... yet racist enough to be freaked out if he isn't white? That's such a narrow audience!" This whole kerfuffle is worth it for that line

I personally loved Jessica Williams calling out the "unique" spelling of Megyn Kelly's first name. Williams is an absolute treasure.

I wish I could send this post to every girl who you ever sleep with or date so she knows never, ever, ever to send you a naked picture. Because revenge porn and the stalkers, hate mail, job loss, suicide, whatever that follows is seen as an appropriate follow up to breaking up with you in a way you deem

[T]here is nothing in the world she can do to get them back," you said. To me, that sounds like you are holding on to them because you know that you are holding something over her, and that makes you feel like you have more control over the situation.

You're gross. Delete the pictures.

He wants praise for not being a total blackmailing, life - ruining shit stain. This kind of ridiculous low standard for men needs to stop being an option.