
I capitalize "Black" because I am a Black American, and will never be able to say with certainty which country or countries my ancestors were kidnapped from. I am not just a person with black skin, but I am Black. I like to cap Blackness and give it a status and a respect that it is not usually given. Just

Hahaha, nobody cares about the black people!

I wonder why it is considered necessary to search specifically for a white rapper? To take a musical form created by Black people and specifically search for white people to perform it, at a time when hip hop is nothing but a fantastical caricature of Black ghetto life consumed primarily by white people feels

Good for Seacrest. If there's anything white people need a leg up in, it's co-opting music from black people.

When I first heard about this, I thought people were bullshitting me. I am very sad that this shit is going to exist in real life. Ryan Seacrest is the worst. And fuck all dem white, whack ass broads. If they weren't so whack, I could fux with them. But nope!

I...didn't see anything that could be called twerking.

I'm guessing that I realize it more than the people making ignorant comments about how [implied to be inferior] cultures cause all the ills of POC, as I walk about my life in Black skin every day.

There are the occasional moments where people just say "oh, I didn't know that. Thanks", and that's cool. Or people have thoughtful, non-insulting things to say. But it is frequently a situation where the POC are being shouted down, told that we can't possibly be experiencing what we say we experience, told that we

I don't even like thanking about black issues here some of the time. Is it productive? Do people learn things or just lean back and judge?

Actually, skinny bashing is pretty real according to Jezebel, and many Jezzies (myself included). This isn't skinny bashing so much as photoshop-bashing. They removed all signs of age from Christy, hence the side-by-sides of her at an event and her in an ad. Did you read the article?

Summary of comments by some of the assholes on Jezebel:

"skinny women have no souls dont ya know!" god jezebel, get over yourself. your green is showing.

And you are...African American? Living the African American experience?

Oh, is it obvious? Please educate us all about this "culture" you speak of. *eagerly awaits an opportunity to learn*

it also REALLY marginalizes black lgbtqa-identified folks, their POC allies, and black activists on this issue. it just takes a little googling to see that lots of black people are actively opposing homophobia and working within communities of color to combat many issues that result from it, INCLUDING several black


Terrifying. These are my students.