
You evangelical atheists are just as irritating and ignorant as the religious people you claim to despise.

You should probably learn more about the Bible (and, by extension, the Torah) because it leaves HUGE room for debate. For thousands of years Jewish and later Christian scholars have intensively discussed the meanings of scripture and there interpretations as strict doctrine and symbolist investigation into faith and

I am one of the models in the Mormon Women Bare project. Though I have entirely left the mormon faith and now comfortably and happily live quite outside the bounds of the religion, it is still hurtful to hear people ask about the "need to belong to some religion or cult." I have never believed in mormon doctrine and

I disagree with and hate some of the doctrine of my faith. I love most of it.
Fuck off and don't pretend religion is so black and white.

Tell that to Martin Luther. There are more shades in the spectrum than just Mormon—Atheist

"noticed a black person shopping, blackly."

Barney's should just make everyone watch this.

What I cannot understand is why taxpayer money is being spent placing cops in retail stores. They can hire their own security at their own expense to protect their merchandise, how is their loss reduction a public safety issue?

I think a core lack of understanding on behalf of Kang is that obesity in this country is heavily (haha) tied to socioeconomic status. Being healthy in this county is expensive. Knowing how to cook a well rounded meal and how to circuit train is something of a luxury to grow up knowing.
When you have little money and

After a recent rant about how there is "unrelenting support" for people who are "borderline obese," she's been banned from Facebook. But she is not sorry for fat-shaming, no sir.

It's because you have no idea of the history of blackface and racism in America. It used to be common for comedians and actors to mock black people by putting on dark makeup and playing a caricature act of a black person. This is on top of America's history of slavery, and the still-continuing marginalizing of

You're colored? Would you like a gold star or.....?

Waiting for the obligatory "I'm sorry IF my costume offended anyone" non-apology.

And THIS tl;dr response is why we keep getting people in blackface in the 21 century.

Here she is normally, without the blackface.

Your opinion is your own business, but don't you fucking dare try to dump your bullshit, pompous assumptions on other people. You don't get to tell people whether their outrage is reasonable. And FYI, your status as a "coloured" person isn't some special gold star that makes any racist piece of shit that comes out of

There's always a few.

Intent doesn't matter. This shit is racist because it comes with this thing called an historical context (which your little caveat massively fails to account for). Here, read this because you apparently need to:

When persons of color lighten their skin, it isn't offensive
