
Even my white husband peeped the doobie wrap from a mile away. For shaaaame. No rat tail comb in the limo? C'mon, Ri. C-.

Weird. For me they help prevent them.

Ri Ri finally figured out how to be half naked and well dressed at the same time.

It's called a doobie wrap! And the fact that she wore her hair like that makes Rihanna's outfit even more fabulous. She gives zero fucks.

Maybe if you're already prone to yeast infections, but I've never had a yeast infection, and I wear pantyliners all the time. I just change them regularly.

Solids that get flushed down the toilet end up in a landfill or burned and dumped in a landfill. Toilet paper to poop, anything solid gets dumped.

That's a fair point. I've used TP in a bind, but it doesn't stay in place very well. It's come out of my underwear and fallen out of my pant leg.

Yeah, I wear pantyliners every day. I feel like I never had to worry about random discharging until I was 20 (maybe losing my virginity had something to do with it, no way to know). Noteworthy: The guy I hooked up with turned out to be an asshole, so it makes sense that he probably had a dirty dick and my vagina is

I was just trying to explain vaginal discharge to my boyfriend without sounding like I had some kind of cleanliness problem "down there." I should forward this to him.

NERD ALERT: Stewie could fix the time machine at any point to go back and change the events of that moment. They could literally bring him back in any episode with a quick, "Oh, here's that bolt I needed" (or whatever). Or, hell, MacFarlane could just decide to bring him back with no explanation just to fuck with the

Who are all these people that are legitimately angry about a spoiler for Family Guy?

Meh, call me when Archer is back on.

This is just like the time that we [x] with [y]!

Honestly one of the best characters on the show. Wish Meg was killed off instead.

I'm ok with this. He'll probably be back as like a ghost or something.

WHAT THE FUCK. Spoiler alert much?

That show is still making new episodes???

Vinny? this a joke?