
The thing is, this kind of ignorance leads to systematic racism, so I don't think you should completely separate the two—people still do this shit because they don't think it's racist, when it actually does contribute a lot to the problem of racism.

There is seriously so much with this comment that I want to slap.

Geisha are not whores. The fact that you think that means that you don't know anything about Japan. Geisha are performers who primarily work in Gion. They dance and serve customers drinks, but they do not have sex in them. You are confusing them for the prostitutes in Yoshiwara, which was in Tokyo. Those women

omg, that interview!!! "watching them as a culture"?? are you for real?

"Oriental ppl"? No. Just no.

No actual PR professional will ever say "there's no such thing as bad press."

In my experience, most people do not care about cultural appropriation; however, it's definitely sinking in that this is not okay lately. I can't remember Gwen Stefani getting into such hot water about about her LAMB era (although I know some people were definitely mad, it did not seem like A Thing to write her open

I'm sure that there will be, as there always is, a whole debate about racism, appropriation, etc. What I just can't fathom is WHY DO CELEBRITIES EVEN STILL DO THIS. You KNOW it is going to get you shit. Your entire TEAM that is responsible for your image knows it's going to get you shit. Is it really for all of the

I honestly can't believe this is still happening in 2013.... Seriously??!! Even the basics like not knowing how an actual kimono is made (although that wouldn't have made it any more acceptable)?? This is so disgusting, I have no desire to see or hear this woman's voice every again. There should be no question that

Stop trying to put equal blame on everyone. As I said earlier to your comment, we live in a white supremacist system. That means that People of Colour have the white POV shoved down our throats all the time. We get it. We know it. We understand it very well. We have to deal with it every single day. It's etched into

You're a white person living in a white supremacist system. Work to dismantle that system. There are plenty of anti-racist and anti-oppression groups out there - talk to them to find out what to do. Read some bell hooks, Edward Said, Frantz Fanon, etc. That'll give you a sense of what POC are up against. There is no

I think that white people feeling the need to explain "OMG WE'RE NOT ALL LIKE THAT" when POC talk about their experiences being profiled is like, the ultimate irony. Doesn't feel so good to have someone assume that all members of your race think and act the same way, does it?

Jezebel has been better lately about covering issues of race, but can you please hire more black writers?

Believe it or not, most white people do not get up each morning and think to themselves, "hmm, how can I oppress some brown people today?"
I am not, as Ms. Havok states, "clinging to power " I am just a person who goes to work and is raising my kids to be decent human beings and does my part for the environment and

This is a thing. It's a real thing. Members of oppressed classes are seen as representatives of that whole class. It's the same reason why, for example, an unfunny dude is just not funny, but an unfunny woman is evidence that women aren't funny. A white person stealing shit from a store is just a thief, but a black

There was dialogue in this discussion but it was derailed by people like you, stripy shirt, specular, and people nitpicking the words that I chose to use. How the fuck did we end up talking about gay people and rape? The discussion was derailed because White people can't handle their hurt feelings and choose to

Nobody cares about whether discussions of racism make you feel bad. People shouldn't have to deal with racism, AND take care not to make you feel sad about your privilege.

Do you not understand the difference between segregation & separatism? Quite a few people on this thread have clearly spelled out that difference. I do not blame Black people one fucking iota if they want fuck all to do with white people. White people have been nothing but toxic for their communities. If I were black

Women of color aren't funny enough for SNL, and hopefully it stays that way. I don't need them poaching talent from The Daily Show so they can then give her sub-standard lines and claim she just isn't able to make the act work.

Nope, I never fully believed this. Down south, they just don't bother to hide it.