
To claim "Mom in Chief," carries different historical legacies for black and white women. Historically black women were long denied the subject positions of motherhood and domesticity so central to white women's idea of normative "true" womanhood. In claiming these so actively and so publicly, FLOTUS commits, if not

That's it in a nutshell. Lest any Black female actually believe that they have a place in feminism, 'discourse' like this will remind them that feminism isn't for, nor does it give a shit about, them.

Considering that feminists are the very assholes that had no problem with their savior's, Hillary's (as well as her idol Ferraro's), race-baiting to the point that they are outwardly salivating at the promise of her running for president in 2016, their half-witted opinions are irrelevant to any kind of gender-based

THANK YOU. It's a dream for a lot of black women (not me, mind) to be stay at home moms. She was also the primary breadwinner for the family for a long time. One of the reasons that so many black women look up to her is because she is the ideal as far as being educated, feminine, whip-smart and a perfect mom.

The ways in which White women navigate their FLOTUS-hood will, of course, be different than how a Black woman navigates her's, because, well, because of America.

Saying that she isn't feminist is ignoring the fact that women of color typically do not have the option to stay home with her children. Her choice to take a more passive role can be viewed as reaisting the role society has predetermined for women of color. Intersectional feminism amyone?

This article is why black women generally want jack shit to do with feminism. I really can't say more than that.

Lord help that poor shrink.

You realize that these folks were stopped on suspicion of *credit card fraud* and not theft, yes? And in Trayon Christian's case, he actually had ID that matched the name on the card but NYPD assumed his ID was fake.

You advocate checking all black people. Even though white people shoplift. A lot. White people LOVE doing drugs. A lot. Why not all the white people who love to steal and use drugs?

I'm really interested in your point of view. What about blackness makes people steal? When does it start? Infancy? Are black people always on the lookout for things to steal and people to assault? It must be like, "Hey, I need a belt. But I'm black, so I'm gonna steal somebody's debit card to get it." I'd

White people steal. Should we stop and frisk all white people? how about men? men steal, should we stop all men?

Well I have given you some lovely research that I really hope you take time out of your day to educate yourself on. I really hope you do.
And if you did a little more research you would realize that Criminologists have dozens of reasons for why crime went down. COMPSTAT, Broken Windows Theory, the reduction of

My Master's Degree in Criminal Justice and

I don't think this is a troll. Lot's of people are really this racist.

Without evidence or reason to believe that these people were engaging in theft, these people should not have been stopped. Otherwise it is profiling.

Wow. Words cannot describe your ignorance. Racial profiling is completely unwarranted and does not help solve any crimes. ANY CRIMES including terrorism, petty theft, drug trafficking, etc.
You're a troll.

As was once said in Family Guy: "Lets go to Barney's and fart in the suits."

Funny, I have eyeballs and fingers! Do you know what I do with them? Why, I go and read the original content before replying!

She's made the double sin of being black AND a woman. Can't let her get too high on her horse without reminding everyone she needs a white man.