
Idgaf what anyone says. I wear leggings as pants. It's cute.

Pffft c'mon she totally supports black people, she doesn't fetishize them she's just down with them! Why else would she wear a dress made out of a towel from the 90's with the two biggest icons in rap music? Duh.

First off, at the VMAs she danced with that piece of shit that was singing a pro-rape song. Also, her treatment of the black women who were her backup dancers was fetishizing and objectifying black women, which also contributes to rape culture. That's why I can't stand her.

Your comment about Miley reminded me of something else: feminism has to be intersectional. Feminism is part of humanism, so all of that is interrelated. To me at least.

Bras are the best feminists because they support so many women.

Sigh. I'm not going to tell anyone she shouldn't call herself a feminist, or that she should. But I'm getting a little tired of this concept that feminism means nothing more than "supporting other women."

It's more that being feminist doesn't make you anti-racist by identity, and that many white feminists have made wordy evidence of this fact.

'Miley Cyrus is a 20 year old pop singer whose main controversy is twerking.'

I didn't say it was racist. Feminism just has a long history of shutting out the voices of women of color.

Yeah call me when she identifies as intersectional feminist.

I don't think I articulated what I meant very well. Miley may think she is a feminist because she does what the fuck she wants, but that is NOT what feminist means. Not believing her dog and pony show with women of color and little people is quite respectful of what I think feminist women are.

And I might add—if she's not a feminist because she's ignorant of, or willfully ignoring, the issues of POC, how many of the rest of us can really call ourselves feminists? As @cassiebearRAWR pointed out in another thread, white feminists are notorious for this.

Sarah Palin calls herself a feminist, too. I don't have to respect or endorse her idiocy, either.

You can be a feminist and a racist!

Exactly. She's saying she's feminist for the exact same reason she went on stage in flesh colored pvc knickers, surrounded by WOC dressed as teddy bears, rubbing her bum on a man old enough to be her dads crotch and pretending to masturbate with a foam finger.
To be controversial and for ATTENTION!
I bet she doesn't

It's sad that one of the few female celebrities willing to admit that they're a feminist is a horrible example of what a feminist should be.

Miley is going to be very embarrass when she grows up and learns what feminist means.

I think she just thinks it's another word that will get people riled up and be shocking so she's all too happy to don the label that others are to shy too wear. "me a feminist? gosh no! I LIKE men! tee hee! Donthatemeplease."

In a way, it's kind of more insulting for those of us who take it seriously, but really she is