
You sound just like me. It's PMDD, although I'm sure you know that. Best thing I've found is an antidepressant (sertraline) and birth control (Ortho tri-cyclen). It isn't a magical cure, but it really helps. I'm sorry you're suffering, and I'm sorry your doctor is a jackass.

Right. Not to blow things out of proportion, but making generalizations like "Women cost more!" feels like a remnant of eugenics. It's like saying, oooOooOoOOooOooooh, white people are less expensive because they have stronger blood!!! Like, yokey dokey, you basically believe in magic.

I went to the doctor for some follow-up on my fun new food allergies and mentioned that, the week before my period, I become actually, literally borderline suicidal. It becomes difficult to not cry, it becomes difficult to do basic functions, and there is not enough sleep in the world. (The moment there is blood: over

Is this what a fresh umbilical cord looks like? Ughhh, that so reminds me of the aliens from Aliens.

Oh, there's also the little matter of some women being forced to make multiple visits for the same issue because they have to prove it's not their crazy lady anxiety/depression/roaming-uterus that's really the problem and my goodness, that can sure take a lot of time and co-pay dollars.

He's like if Reddit was a person.

What does Chris Brown have to do with ANYTHING? WTF?

Once again, if true, this will do nothing to diminish him in the eyes of the type of people who already admired him.

I'm an asshole, I routinely meet other assholes. Haven't killed anyone so far.

Where is your science now!?

You do realize it's possible for an asshole to murder another asshole, right? Like, even if Martin was an asshole, that doesn't mean he wasn't murdered.

I am older than George Zimmerman...

Ah, the inevitable point has come when people are "tired of hearing about" blackface, and racism, and how offended some people are. I knew it.

Here is a link to an article which explains in depth the history of blackface. It's more than a consensual hallucination of racism. It has its roots in racism. Even when intended as an homage, it is indistinguishable from racism. And if your friend is so uncreative that he needs blackface so that his cosplay is

I am Princess Tiana. I am white and not in black face. Between the green ballgown and the tiara that features Princess Tiana people totally get it/love it. Yay for princesses who also have career ambitions!

A good first step, Ricky's. Now about those "Tribal Princess" costumes you sell...

/nerd voice

A friend who does a lot of cosplay posted a link to this article about the history of blackface yesterday. A discussion developed in the comments because a couple of white guys thought that we should be over this and not give into the racists and what-about-whiteface, etc. Also, "What if race is one of the defining

Who would have thought that Miley Cyrus would be celebrated as an inspiration to us all for simply not wearing blackface?

Never Forget