
Super awesome point! Please don't complain about my slightly padded bra (mostly because I like them padded so as my nipples aren't showing) and then wonder why "everyday" women can't be more like models.

The problem is that these are the images that we are fed every day - including our young daughters/nieces/cousins/etc. What we need is legislation that requires altered images to have a notice on them stating that this image has been altered and providing a link which viewers can follow to see the original, unedited

uh...ok. no. Hair and makeup does not make your legs longer, boobs bigger, and stomach flatter. It also doesn't restructure your face.

Good grief. The whole thing was disturbing, but when they pulled her head and neck up and into that unnatural angle, oy. I wouldn't mind that leg extender thing for myself though. I really don't want to hem my pants anymore.

Humans don't desire other humans. They desire idols and believe themselves gods.

Images concocted this way should have a warning label.

Oh hell yes it's offensive now. It was offensive then as well, just more accepted I suppose.

you guys, the costume was AN OPTION at the halloween store, so there's no possible way that it's offensive.

It's because men are bastards but they would never stray if b*tches weren't hiding behind every rock and tree trying to lure them away from their rightful owners with those feminine wiles!

Well, I mean, everything would be so much better if everything were unregulated, because corporations won't do shitty things since they just want to be profitable.

You said it perfectly. I also love how a lot of commentators tend to focus on Serena's "masculine" style, yet she always comes across a complete lady when she's not utterly trouncing whoever's attempting waif-fu on the other side of the net (and often even then). I'm in complete and utter awe of her style.

Because. Tuesday.

Don't get into a political debate with your friend's libertarian boyfriend.

Being a man, you probably wouldn't be able to clean it even if you tried. According to commercials, cleaning is something only women are clever enough to do.

I Googled "Sexy Godzilla" and this came up. If it weren't so damned cold here in Ontario I would totally rock this look!

For the fuck of shit, don't wear blackface.

Lots of athletes are "famous". But not many dominate their sport at an age when many of their peers have already or are seriously contemplating retirement. After taking time off from the sport to dabble in fashion, nail technology and acting. After facing a life-threatening injury from what first appeared to be a

Only 38% of white people think it's a good idea to elect more women to Congress. Jesus Glass Ceiling Shattering Christ.

Actually, a woman making 8 figures from athletics — not endorsements, the actual sport — is incredibly rare. Vanishingly so.