
Roman Polanski is supported by more than a dozen of known Hollywood directors even though it is public knowledge (and a trial has been conducted) with regards to his pedophilia. Can you imagine Spike Lee or Oprah coming out in defense of Chris Brown? The irony is that they'd be accused of playing the race card (not a

"But it's not only men who are focusing on women from the neck down; women do it to each other, too,"

OK. Bye.

This woman had severe injuries, filed a claim and then drop it. I would assume people filing charges would think these things through and often times it's rather difficult to even get police to take you seriously in your time of distress (I waited two hours to file a police report following a savage attack). Then this

So his victim is the only source of the abuse so let's not believe her. Ahhh, no wonder rape culture persists.

Of course, white guys do crazy shit (hahahaha), black guys do crazy shit (omg, thugs, lock em up and throw away the key!).

Oh, are they investigating the NYPD for their role as well? Because it doesn't sound like their investigating the NYPD as well.

good point. mind,I did not say that I have a problem with the media coverage of chris brown. i'm saying that a racial component is involved—not that everyone who criticizes him has problems with him because he's black.

I have a right to express my point of view in any manner that I choose. my argument may not have any weight to you and that's fine but you do not tell me how I should express my opinions. you go do battle—over the internet.

Omigod, you guise. He didn't say he wanted to enslave black people. I'm sure he's talking about reinstating the Roman model of slavery with all foreigners deemed fair game as spoils of conquest & such. Like, in Nevada, tourist traps would be literal traps.

Well, there's obviously a degree of permanence and medical risk to a nose job that is not present with getting your brows waxed or putting on bronzer. I'm a teensy bit uncomfortable with a 16 year making the decision for those reasons, as I would be with a 16 year old getting a tattoo. But no, there is no

Critiquing and judging aren't the same thing.

Legitimate health issue? Being married to Kim Kardashian? Extremely angry at the industry (or, the white people in the industry) while also being employed by them? Miley Cyrus? IDK IDK

Well, is it possible that you were just as much of a jerk as the other guys, but they were openly and sincerely jerks, while you were 'being the nice guy'? This is what this whole friendzone complaint is about. Men who are not really nice, pretending to be so, only to attractive girls and only to manipulate them. A

"They've lost respect for women because they feel they never got any from them. "

See, if the only reason a guy has for respecting women is that she sleeps with him, then he's a shitty person and a misogynist. I'm so over this idea that only men have to deal with rejection or sexual urges or whatever. No, in fact women

maybe... if you were less aggressive... people would want to have sex with you...

I saw it that he felt entitled to put his hands on my body for no other reason than that I agreed to grab an after-work drink with him. He missed that day in pre-school when they taught you to keep your hands to yourself.

Any man who puts his hand on my inner thigh within 10 minutes of a first date obviously has issues with boundaries.

I see the point of this. But some of the scariest situations I have been in have been with nerdy/geeky guys who are now relatively successful (lawyers, bankers, one works at Google as an engineer). That sense that they are "owed" women's sexual attention since they have been "nice guys" forever and now have money ,

Picking out jock culture (which is awesome) as a particular hotbed for rape culture seems silly to me.