
Why do you assume he has any financial need NOT to spend $300 on a belt?

He saw an item he wanted, worked, and saved his money for it. That is spending his money wisely.

That's like the national anthem of racists.


On what, a college education? Oh wait, he's already doing that.

You've never purchased a luxury item you really wanted? Something frivolous that you saved up for because it made you feel good, and whenever you wore/used it it just gave you a little lift? If not, enjoy your stone throwing.

Condescending much?!?!?!? Who the hell are you (or the rest of us for that matter) to decide that he's making poor choices with his finances. You're no better than the sales people at Barneys. It doesn't matter if the belt cost 30.00 or 300.00...jeezus...way to miss the point.

What people don't think about is the psychological effect that events like this, and policies like Stop-and-Frisk, have on the victims and their communities. It's not a simple inconvenience.

UGH! This was the same issue I had when Oprah talked about being turned away from looking at a Tom Ford handbag. People were all in an uproar about the cost of a handbag. But I'm thinking, it's not about the handbag! It's about the fact that the saleswoman thought Oprah's black female body couldn't afford the bag. She

"If he had nothing to hide what's the problem?!"

So how long until Fox News spins this story to defend the jerks at Barneys and the NYPD who were defending themselves against a scary thug.

I doubt he bought the designer belt because he was trying to feel better about himself. He's a young man. Young people tend to be into fashion. As a Black woman, I've never said to myself "Hey, let me buy this expensive, designer item to make society accept me." It doesn't quite work like that.

It would have been so dangerous but part of me wishes he could have said "Well, I got the money selling ze crack rocks of course..."

Can white people be black activists? Bc this makes my blood boil.

I'm not even sure how it is legal to arrest someone b/c you think black dudes don't have jobs or money. That is a thing now?

Yeah, I'm going ot say I'd have a big fucking problem with anyone calling my bank when I'm trying to use my own damn money. B/c if you are white, no one does that shit to you. If a card is stolen, it should be flagged and deactivated. There are security detection algorithms that sometimes shut off cards for

You know one day I was in Marshalls and I saw this white guy in the handbag section with 10 handbags, the premium brands, 5 lined up on each arm, this guy then runs right by me, out the door into a waiting car. The store manager runs over to me as this guys exits the store to ask me if I saw anything, how many bags

the amount of racism, especially from the NYPD I feel, is do disturbing and disgusting. Multiple forms of ID and his bank cleared it? COME ON. I spent the night in NYPD jail a few weeks ago (something really stupid) and the amount of racism I saw made me want to throw up in my mouth. One girl who was 15 had gotten

Ugh, this is nauseating. Sue the shit out of 'em, Christian.

First there was driving while black.