
I concur. I don't really have a problem with people taking PMDD seriously as a disorder.

I think it's very funny the way this publication treats mental disorders in general. It seems that you go to all of these lengths to prove that any mental disorder you, the writer, may be accused of is considered "normal". Re: Depression, PMDD, OCD, etc. However, this same publication writes scathing and cruel

"Say a poor woman was in court, trying to see whether she could keep custody of her child," [Washington University Researcher Sarah] Gehlert says. "Her partner's or spouse's attorney might say, 'Yes, your honor, but she has a mental disorder.' And she might not get custody of her children."

I think it's important to note that this isn't about classifying PMS as a mental disorder but a very specific, much more rare, dehabilitating form of PMS. If classifying it as a mental disorder means that insurance covers treatment and meds, doctors take it seriously, etc., I have to say that I support it.

They are only against birth control cuz its a women's problem

One that doesn't wreck my car, make me feel three feet thick. LOL!!

words of a future father right there.

If male birth control ever becomes a thing, you bet you damn ass republicans in congress will make sure their dick pills are covered on every insurance plan just like viagra. Hell... they would probably try to pass a bill that demands that it be available OTC and in every gas station in MERRICA

Might be worth telling your niece about stereotype threat, where just reminding someone that they're stereotyped a certain way (bad at math) caused them to do worse. There was a study (or more likely several, but I just heard about the one) that tested scores on standardized testing after girls had been told nothing,

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Benevolent sexism is the most dangerous because it's so goddamn comforting. Kate Millet: Chivalary is a technique used to disguise women's submissive social position. One must acknowledge that the chivalrous stance is a game the master group plays in elevating its subject to

Why not let her listen to whatever music she likes and just make sure she has good judgement and makes smart choices about her life?

No, I'm not paying for it. You just wanted to be a jerk.

I was thinking youtube, grooveshark, pandora, etc.... No need for the name-calling.

Ah, yes, because allowing private institutions to do whatever they wanted worked so well before.

Some Christians. Some.

That is a pretty fucking subjective judgment.

I have been waiting to use this...

Good on her for speaking out. If there hadn't been any hair showing that photo wouldn't have caused a problem. That's subliminally telling us that no hair = acceptable, hair down there = unacceptable. THIS IS BULLSHIT.

I'm willing to bet that Instagram wouldn't have done shit about a man's happy trail.